View Full Version : does anyone have problem concentrating

24-03-09, 15:31
please help does anyone have a problem concentrating even when im out shopping i just cant stop thinking of how ill i feel and nothing intrests me.

24-03-09, 15:36
Hell yeah!

I am useless at shopping as i cannot concentrate on what it is i need. Its the same with everything, watching tv, using the computer, reading a book, housework (i can potter around all day but never actually complete one job). Holding a conversation with people is almost impossibke and i will jump from one subject to another (i'm sure i drive people crazy!!)
Instead i am worrying and thinking about other things, i get off balance and dizzy, even sat down watching tv.

Its almost typical of anxiety and i'm just waiting for it to pass!! :) xx

24-03-09, 15:38
Sometimes when people talk to me i cant even concentrate on what they are saying

24-03-09, 15:42
Hi Emma
Its horrible isnt it? I can relate to how you feel. I am not so bad now due to the citalopram that I take, as I feel like I float everywhere lol but I remember many times pre medication going shopping, and my mind would go blank, I couldnt remember what I wanted, and I felt panic stricken, dizzy, disorientated, felt sick and like I couldnt breathe, my heart would pound, & felt like I was going to pass out and just wanted to get back home to safety. I think a lot of people suffering with anxiety feel this way when out and about. I got panic stricken if anyone talked to me. I got diagnosed with social phobia plus also agoraphobia, and generalised anxiety disorder. How long have you felt as you do for? Are you receiving any help at all in the way of counselling or ?

24-03-09, 15:51
since january they put me on mirtazipine it helps me sleep but does nothing for my anxciety im so scared of changing my meds because when i panic i throw up and have dirraoha

24-03-09, 20:44
If you do not feel as if your meds are working for you, you need to speak to your GP and discuss other options. Its not ethical that you should feel like this. A change of meds could be just what you need. Many of us have to change meds until they find one that suits them. Your doctor may also be able to offer you alternative therapy such as CBT. Its worth just making an appointment to discuss this with your GP to see what options are available to you! Good Luck !!!!