View Full Version : Butterflies in upper chest

24-03-09, 16:44
Hi. Does anyone ever have the sensation of butterflies in the upper chest above the breastline. I am sure its probably a new way of my body panicking and doesn't hurt at all. Feels a bit like when you have a cold and need to cough but nothing there to clear and higher up than where would normally cough from??? Hopefully someone can put my mind at rest???????:weep:

24-03-09, 20:11
I have chest heaviness almost everyday...kind of like heartburn that does not hurt. I was told it was anxiety. Also, I was told GERD can come from the stomach acid in your tummy coming up. I have an easy gag reflex and just thought it was that too....kind of like I have to burp but don't.

24-03-09, 20:14

Yes, butterflies in the chest is quite a common description when applied to anxiety or panic feelings. Don't worry.

Sammy J
24-03-09, 22:52
I have this too, mine has been put down to reflux but I'm not so sure as it doesn't burn. I try to cough but it isn't a cough if you know what I mean?

I get heartburn too so I guess that's why they say it's reflux. Am currently under investigation for it so we'll see....


California Girl
24-03-09, 23:01
I suffer from this when anxious, I always wondered what it was

25-03-09, 12:01
I have this too, mine has been put down to reflux but I'm not so sure as it doesn't burn. I try to cough but it isn't a cough if you know what I mean?

I get heartburn too so I guess that's why they say it's reflux. Am currently under investigation for it so we'll see....


This sounds like a carbon copy of me. Please let me know how the test go, hope all fine, sure will be:flowers:

Sammy J
25-03-09, 13:38
Hi Proccie,

I am seeing my consultant next Tues (gastrologist) so will discuss it with her. Have had camera down and scan and basically been told the valve at the top of my stomach isn't working properly.

I also have my first session of CBT tomorrow so one way or another I'll get to the bottom of it.

I'm not convinced it's acid reflux..it feels more 'windy' so am thinking maybe my anxieties are making my tummy valve go abit giddy?

Sam :)

06-07-10, 22:44
i keep getting i weird feeling in my chest, a lot like butterflys?,
it makes me feel like a cant brethe sometimes,makes me fustrated, and it makes my mouth go weird, i get a lot more saliva in my mouth. I have been getting a weird tapping in my chest to but thats starting to go.
does anyone have any suggestions on what this could be?
its really starting to worry me,
Thankss, xxx

Going home
06-07-10, 23:53
I think that anywhere there is a muscle there can be a twitch! The most usual places for twitching is around the eyes and sometimes the lips, but some people can get muscle twitches just about anywhere really. Those of us who suffer with missed heartbeats (ectopics) can also have a fluttering feeling coming from the heart, but if this isn't what you are feeling then it could well just be the chest wall muscles twitching.

Anna xxx

07-07-10, 12:51
yes, thankyou that has relived me a bit on the tapping in the chest, i have read alot about it on the internet and eveywhere says diffrent things. If im honest i think its something to do with stress, but i dont understand what the butterlfies are? xxx

07-07-10, 16:56
I get this. It's like I've got the start of a chest infection, but I haven't. Like something is irritating the lungs or chest.

Don't worry about it - for me it comes and goes. At the moment my chest feels tight again which I'm convinced is a stomach problem - all seems to radiate from the upper stomach.

It's driving me mad :(

07-07-10, 18:22
noo, it does'nt feel like a chest infection, you know when you go on a rollercoaster and you get butterflys in your stomoch, its just like that, but in my throat. and it doesnt feel heavy when i breath it feels like i have to but because of the butterflys i cant, if that makes any sence?,

08-07-10, 18:40
:), im glad someone else knows what i mean, thought i was going mad lol. and well i dont know if i have anxiety? im 14 and im not really feeling telling anyone because i dont want people thinking im just doing it for attention, hmm. what do you think it is?,