View Full Version : Wegener's granulomatosis

24-03-09, 17:24
I am now worried I have this condition. It talks about facial pain (which I have suffered with for over a year and a half now - and had no diagnosis) and kidney disease. I have been having kidney pains for 3 weeks now... I am worried. Does anyone have any expereince of this disease? Thanks :weep:

24-03-09, 19:12
I am now worried I have this condition. It talks about facial pain (which I have suffered with for over a year and a half now - and had no diagnosis) and kidney disease. I have been having kidney pains for 3 weeks now... I am worried. Does anyone have any experience of this disease? Thanks :weep:

What makes you think you have this?

24-03-09, 19:16
I have a strange crusty blob on inside of my nose, that isn't a spot, not sure what it is, kidney pain still, facial pain, nose pain.... just think it might be.

24-03-09, 19:46
Aw deary me sweetheart. :'(


What kind of kidney pain is it? I don't even know what kidney disease symptoms are and I am not googling,I made a pact ;) but what kind of face pain is it also? Is it muscular? Sometimes I get pain in my face and I dunno if it is earache,sinus or toothache or sore throat or headache! I think it's called neuralgia and it's just like pain but you dunno where it's coming from.


25-03-09, 11:30
I have a strange crusty blob on inside of my nose, that isn't a spot, not sure what it is, kidney pain still, facial pain, nose pain.... just think it might be.

That sounds like Gooogle talking.....am I right?


25-03-09, 18:28
It was Mister Google, yes...
Feel sick now as well. AHHHHH, why won't all this go away?

26-03-09, 10:36
Wont go away for me I know because I fuel it with google and I have some kind of underlying belief that some is wrong before I even start to think about symptoms.

Might help to think that there is something wrong yes but it is your emotions that are ill not your body and the main symptoms of this illness, WHICH IS DEFINATELY NOT FATAL OR IN ANYWAY SERIOUS! is feeling your body more and thinking you need to work out what is wrong . So the best thing to do for this very minor ( although very emotionally draining )illness is follow the treatment correctly. The treatment is keep yourself busy doing things you enjoy and use all that intellegence you clearly have from being able to understand all this medical stuff in google to conquer (spelling!!) your emotional ailment.

Sorry that went on a bit and I hope its not too narky.

You have been diagnosed!, trust me I have it too!


26-03-09, 11:04
I know what your disease is: GOOGLE-OMATOSIS. :)

26-03-09, 11:47

26-03-09, 12:08
Stick to the following rule: never think you're suffering from an illness even I can't pronounce ;)

Crusty lump inside your nose - a cut that's scabbed over? A burst blood vessel that's formed a scab? A particularly hardy bogey?

Facial pain can be caused by tiredness, twitchiness, concentrating too hard, squinting, eye strain, allergic reaction. Have a word with your doctor about all your symptoms for peace of mind.

If the doctor can't find anything wrong with you, there's nothing to worry about. Ignore your symptoms (easier said than done).