View Full Version : muscle pain/ache

24-03-09, 18:35
Yet again feel like I have something else wrong with me. Last few days my muscles feel like in pain/burning sensation, also have feeling like weights are holding me down when sat down (is this normal for anxiety?). Also still keep going dizzy. This is making me feel really anxious and that something is seriously wrong. When I wake up feel really numb, as day goes on have less energy. Also feeling really bloated everyday!!

I am really sorry to go on about this, but I am worrying myself so much about different things I seem to be getting. I know if go to docs he will just tell me I am anxious, also waiting for results of mri scan.

24-03-09, 20:06

If it is of any comfort to you, I get the muscle pains, burning feelings, heavy sensations and so on. It comes and goes, but can assure you it is all anxiety related.

24-03-09, 20:36
oh tink, i am so sorry to hear you are feeling ill, you mentioned about yor muscles burning and hurting and the heavy feeling,it sounds like you may be tensing up yor muscles through stress and anxiety that would cause wat you are describing,as for dizziness, had a bout of that myself today whilst walking up stairs,my eyes went blurred and my legs to jelly and i had to sit on stair til it passed,so i think the dizziness you got is like mine par for the course unfortunately,it all comes as part of the package of symptoms we have, try to relax even tho i know it is easier said than done,you know you can pm me anytime you want,take it easy.x

24-03-09, 21:13
Thanks for your replies. It does come and go, I wish It would just go though! I do need to try and relax more. My boyfriend has just treated me too a spa day and a few people have recommended rekhi which going to give a try. Also keep meaning to go to yoga as heard this helps too.
Can anyone recommend ways to relax?? or any natural remedies that help?

Vanilla Sky
24-03-09, 21:29
Hi Tink, ive found that kalms helps me to relax , it certainly takes the edgs of the anxiety and you can buy them over the counter. Unfortunately the muscle aches are all part of anxiety, its probably because we are tense a lot of the time, makes sense when you think about it ! A nice massage helps me,any type of relaxation is good, find one that suits you. Also anxiety affects our stomach, digestion etc, thats probably whats causing your bloating and it can make us feel sluggish . Try the rieki itl be good for you and tha spa day sounds just what you need... enjoy! Love Paige x

24-03-09, 21:54
Thanks Paige think I will get some Kalms tommorrow. Had them before to help nerves in an interview a couple of yrs ago, it certainly chilled me out then so worth another try!!

I really need to start relaxing, I am always on edge at the minute so some good relaxations are needed!

Hope u r ok and thanks again for your reply xxx

25-03-09, 08:43
Hi there just wanted to say :welcome: to the site, as you can see a lot of good advice on here, the chatroom is also very good, take care and hope all goes well xx

25-03-09, 10:10
Muscle pain, burning sensation, aches, dizzyness... they hall have something in common: anxiety.
Have you read about the symptoms associated with anxiety? :)

25-03-09, 10:18
i also get all them symtoms preety hard to imagine that anxciety can cause it but it does we just have to deal with and hope that it wont last forever