View Full Version : Cannot take this much longer!!!

24-03-09, 19:34

I had posted the other day that I had not been taking my meds correctly and that I have the docs on Friday this week. I have started taking them again but as they take time to kick in I am still waiting patiently!!

But things are getting worse, this seems to be happenning in waves throughout the day, one minute I can be fine then the next I get the pains in my arms the feeling of panic and the pains in my jaws, all of these have been symptoms of my anxiety previously!!!

I just feel like I have had enough, and do not think I can go through all this again.

Please help

24-03-09, 19:39
Aww hun, poor you

It is awful having to cope with all these things, have you tried doing something to help take your mind off it, i know sometimes thats easier said than done, but even reading something amusing helps.

Don't ever despair there is always light at the end of the tunnel, no matter how bad things seem now.

di xx

24-03-09, 19:48
Hi Trixi, it might not feel like it now but you will come through this. You are not alone! You've got us to talk to and share experiences with!

Have you got any friends and family you can spend time with?

You should look for things that trigger your anxiety and make a list of them. List them in this thread if you want. Unfortunately you will then need to face them one by one -- but identifying them is half the battle!