View Full Version : insomnia

03-08-05, 03:59
Hi I wondered if anybody knew of anywhere to go for us insomniacs, whilst you lot are tucked up in bed we are still here, I wondered if there was a chat or site like this, I know Im not alone in this, Many thanks Love Alexis,xxx

03-08-05, 05:10
I wish I knew of one too !! I'm in the US so everyone is pretty much gone when I'm here. I'm usually up half the night. I'll do some searches and see what I can find :)

03-08-05, 17:45

Ask Su (nomates) as she may know of some US chat rooms that she used to go to in the early hours!


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

03-08-05, 19:21
I would have thought we have enough USA/Canada and Aus visitors to make chat hum all night long..

Maybe a bit of encouragement is needed.

03-08-05, 19:24
Any ideas how Meg, maybe if they see this post? It would also be good for people who sleep but wake in the night, Thanks Alexis,xx

03-08-05, 20:00
When I can't get to sleep, I often turn on the PC as a natural reaction but there are times when I feel it is counter-productive and just stimulates the brain even more.

And do we really need to log on to an anxiety related site? We need our minds to steer away from that at 3am, don't we?


Don't wait around for other people to be happy for you. Any happiness you get you've got to make yourself.--Alice Walker

03-08-05, 20:04
Yes Ray but chatroom is often more fun than anxiety related/
Ive gone through all the sleep things eg no tv no comp no getting out of bed, relaxation music etc, but sometimes nothing works and an
alternative passtime is needed, to take my mind away from being anxious because I should be sleeping
Love Alexis,xx.

04-08-05, 00:04
I went through what you are going through now and those late hours lasted forever as only so late did people stay up in the chat room.

Maybe finding sites that are on a different time difference could help you.

I can only stay up so late before i am called back to the kennel LOL

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

04-08-05, 04:45
I have gone to "regular" chat rooms late at night and well.. have you ever heard the saying ' the freaks come out at night'? Well they do and I always seem to attract the weirdest ones :) I guess I feel more comfortable in a room that pertains to panic or anxiety. Less propositions and more just hi how r u - if you know what I mean :)

04-08-05, 06:54
I am usually in the chat room late on here.


04-08-05, 23:31
Hi Alexis

I know how you feel we often cross paths at night! I dont know of any decent chat rooms sorry. I just find myself surfing aimlessly!

I've just realised I sent you the wrong msn address so I'll send it to you again!

Take care

Helen x