View Full Version : chest pains

25-03-09, 08:30
just wondered if anyone gets small shooting pains in their chest, usually mine is a dull ache but since yesterday it has been little shooting pains

feeling really sick too

anyone? would really appreciate it



25-03-09, 09:50
hi, Jackie
I wonder why you started a new thread about the same thing that bothers you. Ive read your other posts and found nothing, maybe some anxiety. Doctors told you there is nothing wrong with your heart, all tests came back ok. One of them told you your heart is PERFECT. Now, after so many tests, do you still think there is something wrong with your heart?
I have these pains on and off. It's probably due to lifting weights, stretching or maybe punching (I practiced martial arts and bodybuilding) Many of us have this, as you found out from your other threads. Sometimes they are dull, sometimes they are sharp and stabbing. Sometimes they irradiate in my left arm... But I was told my heart was ok so I stick with the more reasonable idea that i have some kind of intercostal neuralgia. There is a bunch of nerves in that area, and it is hard to know which one is affected, but this condition is benigne, except for the unpleasant pain. Don't make it worse by adding up anxiety. You have no reason to be worried.
And, by the way, I cannot understand why do you check your heart if you constantly tell yourself "what if they missed something?" - Then why checking, anyway? :)

25-03-09, 10:36

I think that its so easy to feel sensations in your body that you normal wouldnt notice or care about and that are normal, just because your anxious. Especially if you have a particular health concern in mind.

I found sometimes it helps to think about all the times when I have been wrong about something even though I was totally convinced I was right. Its like sometimes we can be so confident and foccussed in our negative predictions that we just cant see the wood for the trees, I hope that makes some kind of sense to you.

Once i concentrated on my back so much I could feel the nerves tingling and burning to the point that I thought I had shingles, this went when I became anxious about a diffferent body part because the ilness I fear effects many different body parts and systems so I regularly 'move around' my symptoms.

And no the length of time you have worried and the fact that the situation has not been resolved ie. they give you a diagnosis of either A, what you fear. or B. something completely harmless and totally explanatory of all your symptoms (which im guessing you wouldnt believe any way if your like me) does NOT mean you are right............it means you are anxious and you have been and you deserve to be because you feel like you have a heart problem and no one is helping you. But that is only the way you feel, its NOT a fact.

Sorry if you think I m going on , I just really feel for you because I know how it feels and its easier to see it in someone else if you know what I mean


25-03-09, 12:29
thanks lisa, nd marius i think. lol

no seriously i know you speak the truth marius and i appreciate your honesty, it is just hard when the pain seems to get worse and is accompanied by sickness tht i just seem to lose it

i had been doing so weell. i meditate and do yoga but i seem to have allen i nto this worry trap again

went to doctors today and bp was 100/60 pulse 80 and oxygen 98 %

please dont ever change your honesty as i wooll try not to repeat myself, pain just so bad at the minute i freak

thanks both o you
