View Full Version : Asymmetrical Adam's Apple

25-03-09, 09:02
I’ve recently been doing well getting over my latest bout of health anxiety, but a couple of days ago noticed something which while I know I’m probably being silly, is causing me a little concern. My adam’s apple isn’t symmetrical; by that I mean if I follow the line down my nose and middle of my chin, it sits about 1cm to the left of the central line and when I swallow it seems to go a little to the left too. I’m sure I would have noticed this before as I’ve shaved most days for 20 years, but then again I might not have. I appreciate that few people are completely symmetrical, but does anyone else have an adam’s apple that doesn’t sit bang in the middle?

I haven’t googled it – I’ve learned that lesson before!


25-03-09, 16:42
for one - my neck is totally assymetrical. i have this ginormous ridge (ok well not ginormous and not visible to the naked eye) that i can feel on my left side when i press it but not on the right. it spun me into a panic years ago and i ended up getting a CT neck scan - all normal. it's just well .. the way my neck is.

secondly, i googled it for u .. nothing bad came up sooooo .. i think ur fine:)

26-03-09, 13:54
He he thanks for your response, and for googling (although I hope you wouldn't have told me if it had come up with something bad!). I've looked at some old photos and in some I think I can see my adam's apple is a bit to the side - I must have just never noticed it before. If I clench my teeth only one side of my jaw tenses, which also started to worry me, but I know I've only ever been able to flex my right bicep properly for example, so I guess by left side is just different to my right.

26-03-09, 21:23
My neck and ribs are fairly assymetrical, I've worried about that in the past but learnt to deal with it and try not to start examining my neck area any more as there are all sorts of muscles, bones and tendons and I nearly always start thinking there's something wrong with me! x

03-10-14, 21:35
After having my teeth bridges and crowns done (last 2 years) I started having bad TMJ problem, because of wrong teeth adjustment. I also started having throat pain and a filling like something extra object in my throat. I'm 56 male. Recently I looked in mirror and I have seen very apparent ASYMMETRY of my ADAM'S APPLE.
I can't remember that I had that asymmetry before and my old photos also are not showing such a asymmetry.
What gonna happen, what to do?

thank you!

03-10-14, 22:35
Our bodies are completely asymmetrical. If you ever see a perfectly symmetrical human being run away very fast, as they're definitely either a robot or an alien.