View Full Version : Feel too drugged up 20mg Fluoxetine

25-03-09, 10:01
I've been on 20mg of Fluoxetine for nearly 3 weeks now and just feel awful. Feel tired all the time, really drugged up but can't sleep well at night. Drop off really fast but at about 5am I keep waking up and can't go back to sleep. Just feel shattered all the time and also quite sick. Is this normal and when should I start to feel better? I'm on the meds for anxiety. Thanks

25-03-09, 10:27
:hugs: hi there thats how i feel all the time on martizapine i always feel sick especially in the morning when i wake up dont know if its the meds or anxiety i really sick of it though never seems to end a tell your doc how sick you feel they might give you anti sixkness pills but these didn't work for me

25-03-09, 12:13
Thanks Emma. Already take anti sickness pills but can't take the same time as my fluoxetine because there is a slight chance it will cause serotonin syndrome according to my Dr. Just wish I could feel better, I know 3 weeks is still early days but it's so annoying. The last meds I was on was mirtazapine, 15mg to take in the evening. I came off them because I felt drugged up on them too and even though I felt sick couldn't stop eating.

Hope you feel better soon Emma

27-03-09, 01:18
Hey Cat, I'm also taking 20mg of Fluoxetine for anxiety. I was on 10mg before, but have been on the higher dose for about a month now, and I've felt the exact same way. The first week was the worst, and I was so extremely tired in the mornings after I'd take it, while being slow and incoherent the rest of the day. It doesn't affect me as badly now, thank goodness, although I do still get the drugged up feeling every now and then (today, for example).

Good luck in finding what makes you feel better!

27-03-09, 09:57
Thanks TC. I keep taking it in the hope that the drugged up feeling starts to wear off and that what I'm feeling is just the initial start up side effects. I'm giving it till I go back to my Dr in 2 weeks because then I will have been on it for almost 5 weeks so I should be having some effect from it by then. I'm just due to take this mornings tablet and already dreading it, already really tired now. Hope you feel better soon as well TC

27-03-09, 10:56
I have exactly the same symptoms. Only been on them for a week. My GP warned me they would make me sleepy, I wake up all through the night even though I am tired. Its not nice I knoe. I hope you feel better soon.



27-03-09, 14:27
Thanks Sharona, waking up in the night myself despite being shattered. Hope you feel better soon as well. It's a nightmare isn't it?

02-07-09, 10:52
Hi There,
I'm on day 10 of taking 20mg of Fluoxetine and I've been feeling spaced out. I've had to have the last couple of days off work as I've been feeling really sick and have had a really bad stomach. I'm hoping I will feel better the longer i take them. I'm on them for anxiety. I've started taking my pill after tea so hopefully that will stop me feeling sick. Hope so.

02-07-09, 14:42
To be fair, Fluoxetine for anxiety is not a good idea, a lot of people have bad experiences with it who suffer from anxiety. I don't know why a lot of doctors use it for anxiety, it seems to worsen anxiety and cause insomnia a lot more than the other SSRI's speaking partially from my own experience.

14-07-09, 08:58
I've been taking 20mg fluoxetine for 12 days now for anxiety.
I still feel anxious but then I did before I started taking it. The doctor said it could take up to 3 weeks to work.

I too have sleepless nights but this is not uncommon for me. Before i started on medication I was waking up in a panic.

I take my medicine in the morning after a bowl of cereal and to date have not felt sick. I worry when I read posts about this not being a good drug for anxiety but reassure myself by reading just as many good things about it.

12-11-09, 01:37
3 months and propranalol worked for me