View Full Version : Hi

25-03-09, 11:22
Hello to you all. I have suffered with panic attacks for about 5 years. It all started after I had a bowel operation. I was working fulltime and had no control over my bowel for quite a few weeks after the operation. I had several situations where I had to run out of the room. Anyway I now panic if I have to go to the dentist, doctors, interviews. My life has changed alot in the past 3 years. I now have a 3 year old daughter and I do not work, so my panic attacks arise when I go to playgroups, friends houses (new friends that I have made since having my daughter) To me it all comes down to needing the loo. You read all the advice and they always say "whats the worse that can happen, you are not going to pass out, etc" Im not worried about that, Im worried about not making it to the toilet on time.

25-03-09, 12:14
Hello there fairymary... welcome to NMP. You will find other people here with good and sound support and it's worth looking at the topics listed to the left of this page and searching for more info. Best of luck from one fellow bum worrier to another.

25-03-09, 14:41
A huge warm welcome to nmp

You'll get loads of support and help here and make some lovely friends along the way.

I too suffer with the same fear, its a real nuisance, but it is quite common, there are quite a few on here that will understand and help you out.

best wishes

di xx

26-03-09, 00:20
Hi Fairymary, :hugs:

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :flowers:

26-03-09, 08:41
Hi there and :welcome: to the site , a lot of good advice and support here and also a good chatroom as well, take care xx