View Full Version : fed up and angry

25-03-09, 14:07
i joined this forum about a week ago and have been speaking with lots of different people and reading lots of different messages,so i was highly delighted to find out from so many about cbt treatment and how it could possibly help me,well as you can imagine i have had panic disorder for 30yrs and thought at last there is something out there that may start me on the road to recovery,WRONG just got back from an appt with gp who has informed me she cannot refer me for cbt because we dont have it yet,but will in another 12 to 15 months time,so obviously i either have to find the extra cash to go private which at the mo is a no no,or look at it as i have suffered 30yrs another year and a half will be a piece of cake NOT. Good old nhs can always rely on you.Sorry for the moan, went to docs all excited,come home totally fed up and angry.x

25-03-09, 14:12
They have to provide you with it as far as I am aware.

Look up the NICE guidelines and that will tell you.

25-03-09, 14:17
Hi there,

I had to wait almost a year before getting CBT sessions but in the meantime, have you tried the CBT based 'Overcoing Panic' book? I KNOW it is not the same as going through things with some help from someone else but it's a way to make a start so when you can finally get an appointment, you may have made some progress already. It explains the CBT methods very well though.

I personally haven't found CBT to be really helpful with my own anxiety but lots of others do so. It would be great if you can have weekly sessions for over a year BUT you know the NHS cannot give that many sessions - normally 6-12 maximum so you do need to do LOTS of homework whilst doing CBT anyway, not just in your weekly sessions - so trying it yourself first with help of the book can only help you.. whatever happens! I know it's a lot to take on.

Take care,

25-03-09, 14:31
I am sorry. It is disheartening I know. I had to wait 3 months on the NHS and I thought that was long enough! If they dont have it in your practice, would it be possible for you to find another practice to go to that has it, in your area?
There are some free CBT online courses and some excellent books too on it - I realise that this though is not the same as actually going to see the therapist. Could you check and see if your nearest hospital has any CBT courses/therapy - I know some do.
Its so disheartening isnt it when you go and ask for help only to be told you have to wait. With the amount of people suffering with anxiety and other disorders in this country, you would think there would not have to be so much waiting for help.

25-03-09, 17:53
thankyou all for replies,i will certainly look into other options that some of you have suggested,but at this moment in time i really feel on a downer and very dissapointed,so once again thankyou all for your advice and just being there.x

25-03-09, 18:35
oh hampton girl I am sorry to hear about this. Surely the doc must be able to refer you for CBT even if not in your area? as where I have been referred to is at least a ten mile drive. I would go back and see if something can do as don't think that is acceptable to just turn u away without finding any other options for u.