View Full Version : Pelvic pain and really worried about cancer

25-03-09, 14:17
I had my 3rd child 4 months ago and have taken a long time to recover after each delivery, but since my last childbirth I have had symptoms suggestive of an ano-vaginal fistula. I am also suffering a lot from period-like pains which is scaring me a lot. I went to the emergency doctor at the weekend suffering with strep throat and whilst there broke down and told her all about the fistula, which I haven't mentioned to anyone until now because I am so scared of investigations, Drs and hospitals. I had assumed it was all to do with childbirth, but instead of reassuring me, she asked when I had my last smear and said that if she was my regular GP that is the first investigation she would do. I have never had one as am terrified of the procedure. Now all I can think about is cervical cancer, especially as I am suffering from pelvic pain too. I don't know what to do. I can't talk to anyone about it and am convinced it is cancer. I've not read on the net of anyone in this country having this sort of fistula post childbirth and feel like a freak. Any advice would be appreciated.

25-03-09, 16:54
Ive never had children and have never heard of an ano-vaginal fistula but i did miscarry last November and my stomach has never been the same since. Ive had infection after infection and even when the infection has cleared up, i still constantly get period like pains. I also get bad aches on my left and right side and my gp wants me to have a pelvic scan. Ive just had a load of swabs taken and a smear test which i never miss, and all came back normal. A smear test is absolutely nothing at all. If you can give birth to three children, this will be a piece of cake! Im sure your fine, just go and get things sorted so you can start to relax:)

25-03-09, 17:31
Thanks Mabelina
Sorry to read of your miscarriage and ongoing problems. I don't know why, I am afraid of being examined. Even when in labour, I refused to be examined until I had had an epidural and couldn't feel anything. I am trying to pluck up courage to go for a smear.