View Full Version : Pre-Posted.. Just, I really need help. =/

25-03-09, 14:56
So, I'm back again, big suprise there.

I'm really sick and tired of this.

I dont know if i'm just feeling sorry for my self because no one else will, or if i really do have a medical condition.

I just feel so stupid at times.

Like.. I'm here, but i'm not here.
I can see things, but i'm not cogniazant towards it.
My jaw it always clenched and I just can't relax my face.
Everything around me is like a blur..
Theres a piece of me that I think is missing, and I'm having a tough time trying to find it.

I haven't been able to sleep much, so that might be a possible reason why i'm experiencing this.

I feel like i'm in a total brain fog.
I can concentrate well at school, but when i'm at home it's like omg.

I just can't let my hair down and have a good time anymore
with out the constant thoought of omg what if i pass out, and no one does anything.

I just dont know, i mean everyday is something new.
I just got over the cancer scare.. now i'm just afraid i'm going mentally challenged because i feel so wrotten, or a brain tumor (when i had a CT scan in Jan to rule that out).

I just dont know anymore.
I want to be happy.


25-03-09, 15:18
I replied to this but my post has gone missing!

25-03-09, 16:03
Poet - you replied here as there are 2 identical threads.


Maybe I will merge them together