View Full Version : Changes in breasts

25-03-09, 16:09
HelloI dont know if its just my health anxiety but I am constantly checking my breasts out now. Well acutally I know its health anxiety ......but anyway, i stopped taking the pill just over two months ago now. My husband and I are of the opinion now lets see what happens. Recently my breasts appear to look slightly veiny and even where you can see the little red blood vessels, they seem a bit heavier and also looks like there is little white dots around them or what look like blackheads...i dont really know how to explain it. I dont know whether I am juts noticing things that have always been there or not. I am still thinking of going for a breast exam as just become freaked by breast cancer recently.Anyone experience strange happenings in their breasts for whatever reason?Sam

25-03-09, 19:52
I check my breasts regularly for any changes etc and it easy to become obsessed particularly when you have health anxiety !. My breasts changed loads during and after pregnancy, they still have not yet gone back to 'normal' and my daughter in 4 months old. I too have white spots that look like white heads, apparently these are normal. I would suggest asking the doctor to examine you, at least you will have peace of mind, i have asked to be examined a couple of times and felt very reassured. Good Luck

25-03-09, 21:33
OMG I am so with you. I check my breasts OBSSESSIVELY, and it is causing me so much stress. I am actually now about six weeks pregnant and the thought of all the coming breast changes is causing me unbearable anxiety. My breasts are a bit veiny too and I think all the prodding has caused some sort of damage because I now have a kind of petis pois like lump, which is just under the skin and apparently IN the vein. Freaking me out (of course) but my doctor says it's 'nothing'. Urrrgh, horrid, horrid. Anyway, I really do sympathise.....

25-03-09, 21:37
p.s - could you be pregnant?

26-03-09, 12:05
jojo2316this is what I am wondering and I think I will do a test. I think because I am paranoid about my breasts, any little change freaks me. The doctor said coming of the pill I was on, Yasmin, will make my breasts feel different as Yasmin suppresses things. So when I was on the pill I had none of those time of the month symptoms and now I feel things. So it could be either changes from coming off the pill or preganncy. I dont think I am pregnant but only one way to find out hey.glad I am not alone in my obsession