View Full Version : anyone the same as me?

25-03-09, 16:49
ive been suffering from panic attacks for 4 years now im absolutely terrified this is my very first post i'm convinced to the point of insanity that the wierd feelings im having are due to some nasty disease.i even went to the doctors yesterday because i was convinced i had syphillis.what must he have thought of me!i think the disease is in my blood and travelling to my brain causing all these wierd things.i also hear my own distorted voice in my head saying wierd things and strange visions and disturbing visions.i also been having strange dreams waking up with headache and nausea.ive been prescribed prozac but too scared to take it incase it causes a severe reaction and kills me.theres no win!please help me!

25-03-09, 16:55
Please take the prozac, it will be okay and it will work!

I have been in your place , really anxiety makes you feel absolutely mental. Makes your thoughts wierd and so many other things.

I took ages to start taking mine too for the same reasons and it jsut delayed feeling better. Anxiety and depression feels so sureal and the more you fuel the weirdness the more it wins, honestly try very hard to ignore your opinions about your weird thoughts and do stuff you enjoy doing


25-03-09, 17:14
thanx lisa its lovely to talk to someone whos been there i'm so terrified of even taking a paracetemol as soon as i take even a paracetemol i'm waiting for a terrible reaction to take place but ill have to take the prozac i'm really not well with this

25-03-09, 17:38
Don`t worry you are definately not alone with all your thoughts. I have had panic attacks for years now and each one comes in different ways and I get very frightened and imagine that I have every disease under the sun. I have only just joined this site and it is so helpfull, just knowing other people have the same irrational thoughts as me. I am the same as you, I hate taking tablets,even paracetamol as I worry about the side affects.My neighbour gave me some Nytol once to help me sleep but I was to scared to take it ! All my doctor said when I finally went to him about how I felt,was ,well it won`t kill you, and said I had to learn how to relax and gave me a sheet on deep breathing exercises, I have never mentioned panic attack to him since !