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View Full Version : is this normal? :)

25-03-09, 17:11
Hello to you all i am new here so if i do or say anything wrong please let me know thank you.:)
The thing is i am suffering from panick attacks and i dont know why as there is not much on my mind i am a deppresive i have been for the last 10 years and i am certilapram (20mg) i'v been on them for coming up 8 years and i find them fab
The doctor has just put me on Propranolol (40mg) twice a day they have helped with the attacks but when they kick in i feel all funny i dont know if i should wait till there in my systerm i called the doctor this morning he said to stop them i said i would rather feel like this then have the panick attacks as they frighten the hell out of me and with having a baby it would not be fare on her and i would worry if i passed out if i had hold of her and he said once i and my body gets used to them i will feel better.
So i am doing the right thing sorry if i have waffled on i am a little nervouse.:blush:
thank you for taking the time to read this xx

25-03-09, 17:34
Hi bonnie,

A huge warm welcome to nmp,

You'll get loads of advice and support on here and make some lovely friends along the way.

I don't take meds so can't help you with that one but there are loads on here that can

just keep posting

best wishes

di xx

25-03-09, 18:32
IN my experience with meds i would say it is a initial reaction to the new meds you're on so i think if you are happy with them then stay on them and im sure the feelings will go after your body has gotten used to them and gratz and GL with the baby

- V

25-03-09, 20:05
Thank you all for making me feel so welcome it means alot as i feel very alone at the moment :)