View Full Version : Anyone here suffer from TMJ disorder

25-03-09, 19:29
I have had it for many years together with a hernaited disc in my neck on same side in fact one may have caused the other:D

I get a whole list of weird symptoms involving my ear and face on the affected side and always worry.

Due to severe dental problems I lost all my teeth in my early 30#s with a butcher dentist who left me with a deformed bottom gum so no amount of denture making has got me a bottom denture that will fit so for many many years I have only had upper dentures:blush: gross I know but thankfully I have got big lips and no one can tell and I speak perfectly clearly - obviously I have to be careful what I eat. If I eat anything that needs lots of chewing then about 48 hrs later I get awful ear/jaw and face pain and symptoms.

I get stabbing earache and itching but there is no infection.
My jaw aches horribly when I chew and get pain around jaw and ear.
I get pain and pressure up side of face and around eye/temple with crawling prickling sensations and also crawling sensation in scalp.
The skin around eye on that side is very senstitive so painful to blink.
My upper gum on that side burns and is very tender to touch.
My nostril itches and inside my nose is tender on that side as well.

As you can imagine its a bit freaky and even after all these years I still worry thats its something else. I had all ent tests and mri years ago and had head mri last summer.

I always worry its sinus infection as its same area but when I did actually ahve one the pain was different as my gums only hurt when I bent down or bent my head and I had disgusting stuff out of nose:scared15:

My Gp says its irritated nerves due to either my jaw or my hernaited neck disc.

Does anyone on have tmj problem and get any of these symptoms?

25-03-09, 19:52
I haven't had TMJ actually diagnosed but I get itchy ears and pain, hotness in the ears too, pain over my eyes, my cheek and pain when I move my eyes, sometimes my ears feel full of pressure too, my nostrils often feel blocked and my GP thinks its all due to tension/TMJ.

25-03-09, 20:03
thanks aimee nice to know I am not alone. I suppose I have never been diagnosed officially as in xrays or anything - my Dr says the symptoms are classic.
the intense itching in and around ear and the crawling sensation is face and scalp is awful.

25-03-09, 20:23
Sorry to be a dimwit but what is TMJ?


25-03-09, 22:28
Temporal mandibular joint dysfunction which is your jaw joint just in front of your ear.

26-03-09, 00:54
Temporal mandibular joint dysfunction which is your jaw joint just in front of your ear.

Thank you Countrygirl, i have never heard of it before:ohmy: .


26-03-09, 21:02
I get the itchy ear thing and I also get pain behind my ear and at back of my head. I don't know if that is TMJ related.

28-04-09, 19:27
hi country girl
i have tmj..all classic symptoms ..but my most disburbing one is my tongue..like i have been to dentist and my jag is wearing off ..not quite numb..and it shifts from side to side..i think it is my nerves...