View Full Version : folate deficiency?

25-03-09, 20:29
has anyone got any dealing with folate deficiency? my folate blood test has come back a bit low and now I am in a panic as Im convinced its the start of cancer. I have been suffering from HA for seven months and thought I was getting better and now this has happened. All my other blood tests were fine and Ive had loads of other tests which are fine too. But i just seem to have this impending doom that I am going to get cancer and die.
Please help
Choco x

25-03-09, 20:54
hi did they mention it could be vitamin b12 deficiency? mine was when mine was low i now have injections 3 monthly and take folic acid everyday its not cancer though


25-03-09, 20:58
hi amanda
no they didnt - i have to go back for blood tests in 4 weeks to check for coeliacs disease.
thanks for reply, i get so wound up about cancer
choco x

25-03-09, 21:16
im same every day i worry about cancer , hope they can sort it out for you did they say what cells were low the red or white

25-03-09, 21:17
oh by the way im due a blood test aswell so we can worry together then


25-03-09, 21:20
oh no me again your saying, sorry meant to say are you a vegetarian cos its common for veges to have this aswell even though im ameat eater ,had it about 4 years now and no probs unlike when i first got it weight loss nausea toilet every 2 secs do you get these symptoms?

25-03-09, 21:23
no they didnt say whether its white or red? whats the difference?
im not a veggie and only had blood test because of sore tongue. i do wee a lot tho
choco x

25-03-09, 21:27
What makes you think you're going to have cancer? What other symptoms of a terminal illness do you have???

25-03-09, 21:41
i think its red blood cells that are low with vb12 im sure thats what they told me , im sure its nothing to worry about though does sound same as what ive got to be honest , i know its difficult when got health anxiety not to think the worse though

25-03-09, 21:53
belle - no other symptons, just generally poorly for seven months apparently due to stress. lost my mum ten years ago and my brother in law more recently and am told my worries are due to this

amanda - thanks, no health anxiety isnt helping, not much quality of life at the mo

choco x

25-03-09, 22:10
It's perfectly normal to be concerned after losing people close to you, thats natural. But you have to try and concentrate on the fact that you don't have any other symptoms. Stress can cause a multitude of "problems" all of which are nothing more than our minds playing stupid games.

Every time you have a feeling/pain/ache whatever, just say to yourself "Its just a feeling - nothing more"...


25-03-09, 22:48
Are they doing a blood test to test for coeliac disease??? or do you have to have an endoscopy?? My cousin has just been diagnosed with coeliac and she had low levels of all sorts not just folate which prompted the coeliac testing. Its more likely to be a B12 deficiency - do you get tired and dizzy??

26-03-09, 13:56
sorry went off to bed last night half way through this as didnt feel good , but b12 is so easy to treat its nothing bad honestly


26-03-09, 20:24
country girl - i do feel dizzy and tired yes they are my main problems apart from awful anxiety. but i was under the impression from doc that b12 was a separate blood test which was fine.

amanda - no worries i went to bed too, i tend to go to bed early most nights to try and relax!

choco x

27-03-09, 10:15
I study nutrition. Deficiencies are easily corrected. There is no connection I am aware of between cancer and folate deficiency. There are links between Vitamin A and Selenium Deficiency, but I would doubt either of those are likely unless you are extremely malnourished and practically blind. Many people have folate deficiency when they are pregnant. I really would not concern yourself. Concentrate on a healthy diet.... and take a multivitamin containing folic acid. If you need any more assistance with regard nutrition, vitamins, minerals of diet, please send me a private message and Ill give you some suggestions.

Naomi x

27-03-09, 16:44
thanks this really puts my mind at rest, its hard to think positive when you always feel poorly and anxious.

the support on here is great though!

choco x