View Full Version : gut feeling of impending doom

25-03-09, 20:48
hi does anyone else have this feeling of impending doom. for seven months now i have been convinced that i will get cancer soon and die. it comes and goes but is with me most days tho some days i can talk myself out of it. i have suffered with stress and health anxiety for seven months and cant believe this is all down to stress. its a horrible gut feeling that i will get cancer.
choco x

25-03-09, 21:25
Yes. I have this. It's horrible. Mine isn't necessarily about getting a terminal illness, but i do get horrible feelings of badness!

25-03-09, 21:56
hi belle
its awful isnt it, sometimes its so overwhelming.
do you have specific thoughts?
choco x

25-03-09, 22:24
Yep, but i try not to metion specifics...it makes them more real if i write them down, do you get what i mean?