View Full Version : Strange feeling in one lung

03-08-05, 21:39
Please help me, I feel so scared and desperate,I have had a strange feeling that one of my lungs isn't working properly.It feels as if I am choking/suffocating,the feelings are with me most of the day and I wake at night coughing and still choking and then I get up and run around like a plonker for ages, splashing myself with cold water and other silly things to try and feel normal.I had an x ray last week and was told that every thing was normal! I had a trace put on my heart and that normal.But this horrid feeling is still with me,there's no pain at all,but the lung is wheezy, although I am told I don't have asthma.The right lung seems to wheeze more the more anxious I am.I have tried an inhaler but it doesn't work on me,I think the hospital could have missed something. whatever it is it feels like it really is only on my right lung, has anyone else had a "one sided" thing?I think it would be less scary if it was all over my chest,can my brain really play such rubbish tricks?Thankyou for your help in this

a cheetham

03-08-05, 22:00
Hi Annie

Sounds like you are just not breathing properly at the moment to me. I had this too - see my previous post here .....

Reverse panic (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2246)

If you are really worried then you could go back to the doctors but if they x-rayed it last week then it has to be ok.

What inhaler do you have and did the doc give it to you?

Please can I also ask that in the future you add to previous posts that you made as you did a similar one yesterday. It helps to keep a story going and keeps all the posts and replies together - thanks.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

03-08-05, 22:08
Try reading through these :

Cant get any air in (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=961)
general anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2576)
Feeling Awful Today (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3558)
Breathlessness (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3954)
Breathing!! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3276)
Everyone please read this!!!!! ( breathing weird ) (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3298)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

03-08-05, 22:12
hi Annie,

I have felt this way before as well. Yes, anxiety can do this to you so please don't think it's anything serious..

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

04-08-05, 08:56
hi annie,
i felt once that my lung had swollen and when i breath was pushing through my rib cage, i got it seen to and there was nothing wrong it was just in my head basicly, i also get shooting pains up one side of my face and head which my doc has told me is also because of anxiety. so you have nothing to worry about.x.


04-08-05, 10:36
Thankyou for your kind words all of you.
Really not sure how to use this site properly yet, so forgive my scattyness.
The inhaler I have taken is the ventolin one,unbelievably my GP suggested it may relieve my wheezy chest even though I don't apparantly have asthma! I assume when I'm really uptight my muscles in the lung area tighten and make me wheeze but it's not nessesarily asthma? does any one know?

a cheetham

04-08-05, 18:54
Don't worry about the posting - no big issue just wanted to mention it so we can keep your posts together.

Perhaps he thinks this is a short term thing and will clear up soon so the inhaler is a temporary measure to try and clear it up more quickly.

My breathing problems went away once I accepted it was just anxiety and did some correct breathing.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

04-08-05, 19:21
I guess the inhaler will be for you to use to see how it helps you with your problems at the moment.

Have they suggested any breathing exercises or have you tried some?

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

04-08-05, 19:41
Really struggling tonight, really don't know why my mind can do this to one lung and not for example to my little toe, I wouldn't give that a second thought!
Is it possible to get well even if things don't change in your life,(still in love with the wrong man,still married to the other one etc)I'm failing on the hippy front(yoga, massages) and may take the anti anxiety drug cos this lung thing is sacring me massively.
I just ran around the garden and danced a bit crazily to some rubbish the kids have on,obviously still breathing,how crazy am I?
.Sorry to share this but it feels nice to know that I'm not alone.
love Annie

a cheetham

04-08-05, 19:44

You are not alone and i can totally understand if you arent happy with your life how it can effect your life. But it will all get better and we all will help you as much as we can.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

04-08-05, 20:26

It is very scary but you are definitely not alone, ok? Hang in there - we are all here for you.

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

06-08-05, 08:48
I started taking Citalopram a couple of days ago,but they have made me more panicky.So I'm not going to take them anymore.I think I'm being a coward and letting people down as so many friends think I won't get well with out them.The funny thing is, if I didn't have this suffocating feeling in my lung I would be ok!
Can anyone tell me if their throat lung things seem to go on and off throughout the whole day.I can have a goodish hour then wham,off it goes again.I seem to be constantly clearing my throat of late as well,sorry to be so disgusting,but it feels blocked up with thick mucus,although nothing really comes up.

a cheetham

06-08-05, 09:55

It is normal for you to feel a bit worse before you feel better. THis will pass in a few days so if you've decided to take meds then hang in there a bit longer.

The mucus is very common, its a natural reaction to adrenaline, drink iced cold water to help.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

06-08-05, 12:44
Thanks Meg ,the reassurance is fab.
I just cycled to the shop (2 minutes away) it felt scary but I didn't stop breathing! But all my surroundings seemed odd, kind of surreal and the light was not nice if that makes sense, kind of too bright for my eyes and yet it's bXXXXXXX miserable out today!
I think I am going to start up an exercise class at home for just myself !It means I won't have to go out for a bit and perhaps doing something a bit active may help me.Thankyou for letting me share this with you.
love Annie[:X]

a cheetham

06-08-05, 12:55
Well there you go..Annie.

Well done! First step ! Our bodies are built of stronger stuff than sometimes we give them credit for.

If you need a pep talk send me your number by pm.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

12-08-05, 17:38
Things slowly getting better,but the one sided tightness in lung seems to be hanging around,it woke me AGAIN at 1.30am,does anyone else wake up with their symptoms jumping out at them?I woke with such a start as I really thought I was choking,and kept clearing my throat (so maybe its throat and not lung?!!!!!).I got up and read lots of stories on this site and that really helped me,although the tightness has only just gone away,15 hours later.
Two weeks ago I would have called an ambulance, so obviously I am accepting the symptom a bit now,but there's still a small part of my brain telling me I may still have something "REAL" down there.Also I fear now I am allergic to things I eat(peanut butter,pesto etc)things I usually love cos I am a big fat pig and.I think that at any second I will choke on food of have an anaglyptic(?) shock ! Crazy I know,my brain is sure teasing me at the moment.
Thankyou for letting me share this, it helps to write it down.

a cheetham

13-08-05, 09:36
How are you doing today Annie ?


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

13-08-05, 11:58
frightened today,breathing is bad,throat is tight,loads of phlem can't seem to clear it.I fear that I will stop breathing at any second,I had been sat in the garden having a cuppa with a friend,feeling quite relaxed and then wham..........keep clearing my throat,it always seems to be my right side.I wonder if I should have my throat examined?.......I know the answer to that really,just feel so scared.................

a cheetham

13-08-05, 15:21

I am still struggling with my throat as well - horrid isn't it?

Meg has reassured all us sufferers of this that we can't stop breathing even though it feels like we will.

I try to keep drinking cool liquids or sucking mints to keep the throat lubricated. That may help.

I have had a sore throat for as long as the swallowing problem (about 3 weeks now) so I may have an infection possibly.

Have you been to see the doc atall? When I went he checked my throat and then reassured me that it was anxiety. Sometimes just a doctor telling you that helps.

Hope you feel better soon.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

13-08-05, 17:01
Hi Nicola,
This sounds daft, but I've been to the doctors three times and finally had an x ray as I thought the throat thing was on my lung.But the lung x ray was clear so I feel now it is actually my throat after all and not my lung?! I feel I should go back to doctors and just have a quick check of my throat,even though deep down I know it's anxiety!
Does your throat suddenly come on Nicola? then stay for hours?Do you get much respite from it?
Really boring for others having this continual stuff isn't it! one day you and I will be powerful girls with fabulous throats!!

a cheetham

13-08-05, 17:37

I have had mine for over 3 weeks and I know I get it when I am a bit stressed or anxious and I had some bad driving days (including going to the Durham meet -up) so it came back again. It has been continuous for the whole time and I just keep swallowing all the time to try and clear it. In the mornings I feel sick as it seems there is all the mucus stuck there as well (guess it builds up overnight lol).

We certainly will have fab throats won't we?

If mine doesn't go in a weeks time I may pop back to doc - it will probably take up to 2 weeks before I can get an appointment with my doc anyway. I just want to see whether the sore throat is cos of this or an infection. I rarely bother him with anxiety issues so I am sure he won't mind checking it for me. I have been avoiding going cos I didn't want to have to take anti-biotics cos I HATE them.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

14-08-05, 09:13

I had a nice night last night .I went and played scrabble with a friend and had a glass of wine and I was throat free!.Which goes to show that it is an anxiety thing doesn't it.I felt relaxed with my friend and we laugh a lot.
It's perhaps being at home that's hard, as things arn't wonderful here.But I guess I will have to learn to rise above it,there would be nothing worse than being imprisoned here again (I had agrophobia so badly once I didn't leave my home for a year).
I sometimes think my husband likes me ill cos he knows where I am.

As for you and I having the same phlemey thingy,this is a new symptom to me.I truly never realised how much you could produce at the back of your throat in an "anxiety state".It really is thick,and chokey ,quite scary isn't it.I think my family are sick of me constantly clearing my throat.
I went and had a cup of tea with my vicar last week(as you do!)she told me that even though she is incredibly well, just before each sermon she too would get thick phlem,choking etc.Eventually after 6 months of this she was sent to an ear nose and throat specialist.He diagnosed it as being an anxiety thing,so there you go.She still gets it now a little but her fear of it has gone away.
Heres to a lovely calm and peaceful day!

a cheetham

15-08-05, 15:11
Hi Annie,

I do understand hun I to get that that throat thing to quite alot! Quite popular it seems ****** anoying to! LOL

Sorry I missed you call after I sent your e-mail it was a mad rush out the door! Will speak with you soon though.

So glad you had a nice evening. I hope you are ok today!

Take care mate,

Love PIP'S X X

16-08-05, 09:58
This morning I felt really chilled upon waking,had a nice breakfast by the window listening to the birds singing and thinking how nice it was to have peace before the gang wake up (usually they make the house sound like a recording studio for a heavy rock band.....kids eh?!)Then wham ,chest gets all wheezy( if it isn't asthma why does it wheeze when I panic?)chest is so tight and I am almost certain to suffocate at any moment. Trying to relax and breathe in a proper manner is the last thing I want to do or can do for that matter.
Mmmmmmmmm strange,I just noticed that as I am writing this I am calming down.I can breathe again.Perhaps that is the answer, to sit and write all day....................................

22-08-05, 20:57
Hi Annie

i also have this fear of allergies and anaphalactic shock! for some reason it comes and goes and i have times when i obsess and run around like a loon after ive eaten convinced im about to choke whilst searching myself for a rash or pimples!! i have never been an allergy sufferer and have never experienced a reaction so it seems soo irrational. i have been trying to reassure myself when i eat that i have actually eaten the same food a million times before and have survived so i should be ok this time, i also find it helps if i ensure my partners at hand to rescue me to the nearest A&E when i brave eating my worries such as peanuts etc.


23-08-05, 00:46
Hi, I have that waking up with a start thing too and I hate it! When I started to tell myself (and believe) that there was nothing seriously wrong with me it got a lot better. I hope it does for you too. I stopped being scared of it, so it stopped happening. I still get it every now and again and it's not pleasant but Ithink that if I let it worry me it will come back every night.
You'll be ok. Does the doctor giving you the ok not make you feel a bit better?

23-08-05, 17:44

I'm Lara and I've just joined the forum. I am having the feeling that one side of my throat is stuck together and I feel I have a tightness, like food is stuck, and sometimes as though one lung isn't operating properly. I get alot of cattargh (is that how you spell it!) that feels like it moves around in my lungs and sometimes feels like its cutting off my breathing at the top of my lungs but not the bottom!?! Is that what you feel sometimes? [^]

24-08-05, 18:33
Hi Annie. I also had the exact same thing a few months ago.

Quick summary - I was diagnosed with testicular cancer in the day (ultrasound). By nightfall I was worrying about my lungs. One lung seemed to be tighter than the other, I was sure of it. I was doing idiotic things like breathing out of the corner of my mouth to 'test' the lung on that side and stuff. Stupid idiot that I am.

Anyhow, fast forward a week and I'm sitting in the urologist's office. The reason I'm there is for him to explain to me the surgical procedure he's going to do to remove my tumor. I can't breathe. I'm weezing like an asthmatic. It feels like my left lung is made of lead, or is full of fluid. It feels so tight that I'm clutching my chest sitting at the desk. I'm convinced that the cancer has spread to my lungs.

The urologist sends me for an X-Ray. Half an hour later he tells me that my lungs look completely fine. 10 minutes later I'm breathing normaly and I've been breathing normaly ever since. Surgery cured me of cancer too it seems.

I went through hell that week. I was utterly, completely convinced I had lung cancer. Power of the mind.

29-09-08, 17:39
I understand altho we all ave similar symptoms each case is different. I had this problem my lungs would be so painful I'd be lay on the hard floor all night crying my eyes out not being able to sleep because my lung felt like it had collapsed, it of course hadnt it was anxiety.tension was causing them to feel like lead balloons. But my GP prescribed beta blockers for anxiety, yes I felt calmer and it slowed my heart rate down but my breathing was A LOT worse with these, they can make breathing more difficult even witht the mildest history of asthma, I wasnt aware untill I had these bad effects from the blockers. walking was impossible, I had to leave my job, it was hell! I was also told inhalers shoudlnt be used if the breathing problems are due to anxiety not asthma as an inhaler can increase the heart rate for a short while after use so can make panic attacks worse. Just thought I would share this with you, if the lungs are painful, get a scan, if it is anxiety I'd recommend relaxation and breathing excercises not beta blokers or inhalers! xx