View Full Version : very scared

26-03-09, 01:25
Hi, I am new here, I was diagnosed with panic disorder 8 months ago, and I recently developed a symptom that I don't understand. It is very hard to explain, I feel like something is wrong, I am scared of something at the moment and I don't know what it is, I cannot name it. It is very vague, sometimes I am anxious about something that I can't identify , and it scares me. At the same time I am terrified I am not going to overcome this. I would really appreciate some feedback, I am very scared.

27-03-09, 17:53
Hello Sof, welcome to No More Panic :D

Fellow panic sufferers will recognise your symptom straight away. It's usually caused by anxiety and/or low self confidence, or is a reaction to changes in your life, for example if someone you love has been ill recently. Loads of people here experience the same symptoms so you have come to the right place.

I know it's easy to say this but you are not going to come to any harm and there is no reason why you can't eventually get over it. We're here if you need us :)

27-03-09, 19:21
Hello Sof , It sounds like the feeling of impending doom it seems to accompany anxiety , you always feel as if something is going to happen or about to happen . Its horrible. I am new myself, i think we are in the right place dont you !!

27-03-09, 19:27
Hiya i have panic disorder also and i get the same thing. Its the nature of panic disorder, which is slightly different to someting like GAD or Health anxiety. We get panic for no reason...not necessarily connected to anything or triggered by anything we can put our finger on (if anything at all) And we try and find a rational explaination for it and subsequently make ourself avoid situations where we feel like this....best thing is to accept these wierd feelings can just happen.

I personally can just be all fine and dandy one minute then something seems 'wrong' or even looks wrong for reasons i dont understand and im overcome by terror and feel unreal.......this feeling can last a manner of hours or much longer in my case, but it will pass i can assure you. :)

27-03-09, 22:22
Thank you so much for the replies, I really felt alone for a long time until I found this site, there aren't really any groups or sites like this one in Guadalajara, which is where I am from, so it's comforting to find people who understand.

27-03-09, 22:34
You're not alone any more.