View Full Version : help with medication

26-03-09, 08:53
Hi All

Just wodering if anyone can give me advice on the Serexat 10mg that I am taking. I was advised by my GP to take half a tablet for 5 days then take a whole tablet, one a day. I am scared of upping my dose and wonder if anyone had the same problem. Could I take half in the morning and half at night? How long does it take, usually, for the tablet to work.

I am also going to spain next week and want to take the tablet prior to getting on the plane, would this be o.k and would it help me?

Look forward to your replies.

Great site.


26-03-09, 12:58
Hi Sharona,

Just saw your post. I was on Seroxat for a few years. I am now not on any medication.

I think you should check with your GP before changing any dose so feel I shouldn't advise on taking a half tablet twice daily at all. However, I do know that Seroxat isn't a 'quick fix' drug and can take a few months or more before you should start to feel better. Therefore, your question about taking a before a flight - unfortunately, it won't help you. If you are nervous of flying, maybe a tranquiliser would be better for that. By the sounds of it you've only just started taking Seroxat?

Hope this helps you. PS - I may have been an unusual case and I don't mean to worry you further but taking Seroxat increased my feeling of panic worse than I was feeling already which made my fear of panic worse! Its one of those 'feel worse before you feel better' things and it also caused my periods to go haywire - I became totally aneamic as my periods became very heavy and didn't stop. Just keep an eye on things like that as I had to point it out to my GP in the end. I'd hate anyone else to go through all that. Some people are fine on medication though and that may include you too :) Just thought I should mention it.

Take care - have a lovely time in Spain.

26-03-09, 13:13
hey sharona,i am a 40mg taker of seroxat, was on 50mg hav been on them for 10yrs now and unfortunately wat fillyjonk has told you about them is true,if you are new to them,takes well over the month for them to kick in and yes they will make you feel worse before better and no they are not the sort of pill you can take before doing something to relax you as they are a antidepressant but also takes the edge of panic attacks.you could try and get a tranquiliser from doctor before flight, but even that now i heard they dont like doing incase for sopme reason you need to get off plane quick,so sorry to be so negative after all we really do want to help people with advice,go back and have it out with your doctor,let us know the outcome, you take care.x

27-03-09, 08:59
Hi there I don't know a lot about this med so i'd just like to say :welcome: to the site and hope you have a lovely holiday, take care xx

27-03-09, 11:04
Thanks for all your replies. They have really helped. I am on beta blockers as well so I have decided to take one of those befor I get on. I am also going to take some Kalms.

Thank you


27-03-09, 17:17
Hi sharona

i was on them for 7 yrs and they did really help after the initial side effects wore off - like the other 2 said they wont help to calm pre flight nerves unfortunately but the beta blocker is a great idea. Also you better taking the one tablet instead of two halves at different times

lots of love

27-03-09, 17:46
Hi Bab

Thank you very much. I was going to go to the doctors to ask for a tranquliser but I am not sure if they would work?

Thanks for the advice.


27-03-09, 17:47
Hi Bab

Thank you very much. I was going to go to the doctors to ask for a tranquliser but I am not sure if they would work?

Thanks for the advice.


Sharon xxxx