View Full Version : Painful spot on back - cancer??

26-03-09, 09:59
Hi there. A few weeks ago I noticed a tingling/slightly sore sensation on my back in one area at the top but put it down to anxiety as I was experiencing pins and needles in my hands and feet too (long story but been on medication and thought it was a side effect). I didn't look to see if there was anything on my back. The symptoms all disappeared but then a couple of days ago I felt the tingly sensation on my back again and looked and it seems like a spot there and now I'm worried about skin cancer as its still tingling. I never get spots on my back, have the occasional one on my face, but I have been over anxious this last week as my dad is in hospital with cancer and I'm mentally and physically drained. I'm hoping its because I'm run down. Its v.slightly red, looks like a spot but there's no head. Its not very big but noticeable and I have pressed it and it fades so would that happen if it was cancer? Is it normal to experience a tingling sensation in the spot and around that area with normal acne? I haven't had one before so I'm thinking the worst especially since I felt that tingly feeling a couple of weeks ago. Anyone else have similar problems with spots and are these sensations normal and last days? Help! I'm fed up being anxious about everything! P.S. It's not a mole. :scared15:

26-03-09, 10:37
Although I can understand your fear, I don't think it`s wise to panic for every spot on your skin. You can see a dermathologist if your anxiety does not subside. But this will not solve your problem, cuz you might then think "What if he or she missed something important?".
Sometimes, acnea is located deeper in the skin (you have 7 skin layers) and it is resorbed in the body without making a "head". The tingling sensation usually comes with the healing process.
PO. Stop google-ing :)

26-03-09, 10:42
Thank you Marius. I know I need to calm down I've just had so many health problems these last 4 months it has made me worry about every little thing. I used to be so carefree!

26-03-09, 11:11
Stop self-diagnosing and stop thinking of every scratch or spot on your skin as a sign of cancer. A serious disease like cancer needs serious proof. U haven't any.
Any time your mind is telling you that you might have cancer or any other life-threatenig disease, your answer should be: Prove it! :)

26-03-09, 11:22
I know, you're right. Its just v.tender and has been for 2 days so I did google earlier and it said other signs of cancer are spots that are hurting, itchy etc so I immediately thought the worst. Doesn't help my dad hasn't been given much hope due to the dreaded "C". Anyway thanks for all your positive thoughts I will stop thinking the worst I promise! :yesyes:

27-03-09, 17:26
Really does NOT sound like cancer at all. It sounds like a spot, plain and simple! They don't always have heads, sometimes they are just sore red lumps. I get them and so does my husband.... really normal.

Poor you, I feel for you with regards to your Dad - it must be so tough... thinking of you.