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26-03-09, 10:53

wondering if anyone has any tips on how to manage health anxiety & work?
i often feel sick and ill in work and usually decide i need to go home and try and sleep but know that i cant keep doing this if i want to keep my job. Any ideas on how to manage symptoms in this situation?:blush:

26-03-09, 11:10
I am exactly like you. I work as a graphic designer, sat at my computer and suddenly it hits me, the nausea, the dizziness radpid heartbeat, I cant concentrate. I took lots of time off but now the sympathy from my company is beginning to wear thin. Because I need to keep my job, I find it easier to talk myself out of a full blown attack. Usually will nip to the loo and talk to my self out loud. I'm ok, I'm not going to have an attack, there is nothing wrong with me I'm not going to die. It helps but not much. I will spend the rest of the day anxious just not myself. Would be interested if anyone else knows how to deal with this better??

26-03-09, 11:13
Hey, I suffer from this as well. It really affects me at work. Is there anybody you are really close with at work you can confide in? Someone you feel would understand your problem? Things can get really tough at work and people do pick up on these things. All I can really suggest is keep yourself busy and try and find someone to help you. Have you had any kind of therapy? And when your working just remember this - If you have something majorly wrong with you, you will know it! The human mind is a powerful thing!

26-03-09, 12:16
It's hard when being at work as your concentration wonders. I have struggled for 9 years working with it and the best method I can give is write down positive thoughts and store them on your computer then read them throughout the day as this sometimes works for me.