View Full Version : Hi Guys - advice - Citalopram

26-03-09, 11:04
Iv been on citalopram meds for my anxiety and been feeling much better ( im on 20mg a day) been on them now for just under 5 weeks and things really started to get back to normal o so i thought, i decided to try and go out and have a few beers and on doing so felt great, woke up the following day bright and breezey, long story short i decided as i felt ok i would go out again 2days later so i did, the worst thing i could have done its as if iv gone back to the start:weep: .

It's been 4 days since i went out and today im starting to feel a little better i was just wondering has any one else had this kind of response to this med?

any advice would be great.


26-03-09, 11:19
I looked up this medication on-line and it says that you should avoid alcohol when taking it!

26-03-09, 11:30
I am on this medication (4 weeks) and I dont touch alcohol, because it aggravates my anxiety too much, the following couple of days. I gave up drinking before I took citalopram. I drank and then later the following day and into the next I would get really anxious and down. My doctor told me that drinking alcohol whilst taking anti depressants/anti anxiety tablets can sometimes aggravate the problem. Alcohol in itself is a depressant and this is what causes the problems when drinking with anti depressants. I am not exactly sure what happens but it can make your anxiety and depression worse. Maybe this is not the same for everyone and maybe a couple of drinks wont do any harm, but I dont think drinking too much with them is a good idea. Hope you feel much better soon!

27-03-09, 08:58
Hi there and :welcome: to the site a lot of good advice and support here, hope you feel better soon, take care xx

27-03-09, 09:37

I take 60mg of Citalopram a day. I find mixing alcohol with Citalopram not a good Ideal. I had the same problems as you did swatt 77. When you drink at first everything seems fine, then you have a few more drinks the next night, then before you know it you start to get all depress again. I have learnt from my mistakes, but it isn't easy when you see all your friends having a good time with alcohol.

I still do have a few drinks now and again, but nothing too serious as I did before.

Best wishes,