View Full Version : I have this pain but GP hasn't any ideas what's causing it

26-03-09, 11:09
I’ve been experiencing a sharp (sometimes dull) pain in my pelvic area – the location is probably where my ovaries or appendix are – right hand side.

The pain is very random, cannot be linked to anything and sometimes lasts only a few seconds or a few minutes; can be once or can be on/off during the day. In July 2008 the doctor thought it was middle pain so I went away and tried to ignore it. Anyway come January I went back and saw my favourite GP who has been very thorough and so far I’ve had an x-ray to rule out kidney stones, 2 urine samples, pelvic and abdominal ultra-sound and an internal vaginal ultrasound – all normal. I went back yesterday and the doctor performed a pelvic examination but still nothing. He is now referring me to a gynocologist who he feels may want to perform a laporoscopy to have a look around. If this doesn’t uncover anything, the doctor will then send me to a gastro expert. We’re all scratching our heads really wondering what the discomfort could be. I did ask him if people can experience tweaks and twinges like this without every knowing what they are and he said yes they can, but he wants to rule things out before telling me this.

Anyone have any ideas what could be going on? Could it be a deep muscle strain – god knows how I would strain a pelvic muscle – the pain/discomfort feels as if it’s quite deep. It doesn’t make me double up or take pain relief, I’m just aware that it’s there sometimes. I was worried about ovarian cancer but both my GP and the nurse have assured me that the internal ultrasound result is normal and would have shown anything abnormal.

26-03-09, 11:24
I had something like that on and off for years, it wasn't too bad and I put it down to wind. However, in 2002 I had appendicitis and was fortunate enough to have my appendix out just before it burst. I haven't had the discomfort since.

26-03-09, 11:59
I had something like that on and off for years, it wasn't too bad and I put it down to wind. However, in 2002 I had appendicitis and was fortunate enough to have my appendix out just before it burst. I haven't had the discomfort since.

my GP and I have both discussed appendix but he doesn't think so but who knows.......just don't fancy having to go through a laparoscopy for someone to "have a look around"

26-03-09, 12:11
:) I don't think the ginecologist will find necessary to make a laparoscopic examination. Just go, talk to him, see what`s his opinion...
By the way, I like the way u are talking about your pain; you are not self diagnosing, just wondering what it might be, you are doing the right things. Good attitude.:yesyes:

26-03-09, 14:46
yes the gyn will ask you more about your cycle and then decide whether to do the lap. for example endometriosis can have rather minor symptoms, if any, and cause pain like that. it would be detectable via lap. also i get these pains along with normal ovulation, and ovarian cysts. is there a pattern at all? sometimes the cysts come and go but may not have been around during your trans v US.

27-03-09, 08:51
yes the gyn will ask you more about your cycle and then decide whether to do the lap. for example endometriosis can have rather minor symptoms, if any, and cause pain like that. it would be detectable via lap. also i get these pains along with normal ovulation, and ovarian cysts. is there a pattern at all? sometimes the cysts come and go but may not have been around during your trans v US.

I had surgery for endometriosis July 2007 so I'm sure it's not that (plus it's not period type pain). The pain has absolutely no pattern. Very, very random, can have nothing for a week or two, then it can come back and be before my period, during or after my period, can last a few seconds or be on/off during the day. I have kept a diary for March and marked the days I have been bothered by it. I'm seeing the same gyn. who carried out my surgery so at least he'll know my history :shades: He also inserted a mirena coil which I subsequently had removed Jan 08 because I didn't like it - the discomfort started summer 08 - doubtful the mirena could've caused a problem? Hope he's not unhappy with me about having it removed :unsure:

28-03-09, 03:12
Maybe your ovulating. Do you feel it all month long or just on certain days? Some months I can feel it when I ovulate.