View Full Version : update on ongoing probs..ulcer on cervix!Candida and bowels.So low :'(

26-03-09, 13:33
Okay so I went to the sexual health clinic place about my pelvic pain and stuff and got examined,got swabs and stuff taken,blood tests..and have phonein 2 weeks for the results.

But when the doc was exmaining me he said he could see a small ulcer ony my cervix and it freaked me out.

He said not to worry it could have been cause by my smear that I had only a few weeks ago or if it was caused by a viral thing they would find out and treat me for it.

But it's freaked me out so much.

On the same day I went to hospital because I just can't pooh.

In all honesty I think the last time I had a proper good solid pooh was about 2 or 3 weeks ago.

Every other sort of time since then has been pellety and soft brownish pulp or yellowy mucuous pulp and it's only been brought on by aid of laxatives or what not given to me by the doctor.


When I went to hospital they did the rectal exam to see if there was anything they could feel there that was blocking it and they couldn't feel anything enough to give me an enema and instead,gave me Movicol,4 sachets a day for 7 days..

Well,I poohd a little last night but again..it's the same thin browny pulp stuff which is not what I feel..I feel like there is a big something there that I can't ge tout.

I examined my vagina last night aswell when I came out the bath and I got freaked to hell. It's all discoloured looking,some bits are red,some are browny even and bits are dotty and pink and in the folds is this pale yellowy white dischargey stuff and when I wiped a bit with a handkerchief it crumbed,it looked like the stuff in the middle of a cheesecake..I am sorry for being gross.. but it looked like it was all the way round near my rectum so now I'm scared that I have a massive candida infection spreading all through my organs and is killing me. And that the infections are because my immune system is bad with cancer :'(

I had fluconazole (?) for oral thrush when I had antibiotics for a pelvic infection and that had went away but even that's coming back.

I really am at a loss..and was arguing with my partner last night and he can hit quite deep when he wants to and he shouted in the middle of the street at me, "Yeah well don't lecture me when you deliberately fast and then moan cos your bowels are f**ked up"

It tore right through me. Yes,I admit that the past few years I have struggled with eating issues but I have been trying to get better,and it just has really upset me. Everything.

I'm quite low and low and behold I have a headache with crying last night but I can't take the stuff we have in the house because it can cause constipation!

:shrug: :lac: I would go out and try get something else but it's rather windy here and my asthma gets bad when it is. I can't get my breath. :(

Any advice??Please? Comforting words to get me through this day atleast? Or hugs? I dunno. Feel like hell.

Amy xxxxxxx

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26-03-09, 13:51
oh hun poor you ican relate to the worry i am the same and have a baby and toddler who i just look at and want to cry cos im soooo convinced i have something awful :(

anyway if the. healtb clinic told you not to worry about the ulcer than dont its prob nothing,also if your bits dowb below looked that odd im sure they would have said something, as for your bowels its honestly. sounds to me like your so stressed anx bunged up that things cant shift up there until you relax easier said than done i know!

keep strong hun i honestly think your fine xxx

26-03-09, 13:53
:flowers: Hi Amy
Oh no, you really are suffering sweetie. It just never gets better does it.
It seems to me like you are so run down, that your immune system is struggling, so you are getting anything and everything at the moment.

Have you tried taking any herbal remedies for things? There is Echinecea which is supposed to boost your immune system.

So the docs are saying there is nothing wrong with you and you are just constipated and you are still waiting for the results from the other tests??
All you can do is wait for those and then go back to the GP and say you are not happy atall and are still worried.

It does sound like IBS and a case of Thrush. I think you can get thrush when you are run down and low...


26-03-09, 14:39
Dear Wee-Mee,

I have been reading your posts and can see how you have been struggling.

You may like to try this natural remedy to help with your bowel problem. Take one tablespoon of ground flaxseed mixed with a little warm water. Make sure you drink a good mug full of water after. This is a really good gentle remedy for helping the bowels, and flaxseed is also an extremely healthy food. Make sure the seeds are ground, you can grind them yourself in a coffee grinder, or buy them already ground from health food stores.

A really good probiotic - Udo's Choice - you can look it up on the internet - is also very good for boosting the immune system, and helping to keep thrush away. I have used this myself, and it has been excellent.

Don't worry about the little ulcer on your cervix, I am sure it has been caused by the smear you had - it isn't unusual.:hugs: Also meant to add - reduce the amount of sugar you eat because this makes thrush much worse.

26-03-09, 15:29
Thankyou very much all. I'm actually crying at the response I have had. It just seems no one that I see face to face understands that I am in such a bad way.

worriedem-I suppose you are right..when I was there in the room,the doc who was a guy had to have a female nurse in with them and I kept looking at their faces to see their reactions and the nurse who was an older woman,was frowning like she was concerned and I heard the doc saying"D'you think I should swab that?"Yes I think I will" And I'm like"Gah! What are they seeing down there!I don't even know what a cervix looks like!"

FLH-Yep,I jsut have to waiting on results,results,results, but I am going out of my mind. Literally,I'm starting to get quite bad depersonalisation. It's horrible,such a weird spacey floating feeling :( My Gp had kept reassuring me that it was just my body out of balance but I don't think so. :'( I will try echinaeca though..Where do you get it?

Rosie-I think I will try the flaxseed yeah. Apparantly I've suffered quite bad bowels ever since I was a little child but I don't remember :/ Like my mum was telling me I used to really squeeze and only little poops would come out when I was like 3yrs old. I think she was trying to comfor tme but in that I'm convinced aswell taht my bowels have been diseased all my life :'( can't win!

Where do you get Udo's Choice? And I'm trying not to worry but it is so hard..with all of it :'(

I did a teeny pooh again there and it's just really soft pulp. Gah! It doesn't feel like my passage is opening up fully or something.

26-03-09, 16:04
Really sorry to hear your troubles. I have had bad stomach pains for a few months now. Nothing eases them. i have had every stool and blood test going and all came back normal. Doc said its IBS caused by anxiety. Me being me I obviously don't believe him but I'm sure everything will be fine with you as well.
All the best

26-03-09, 19:54
Thankyou Paul.


Just not good at all just now.

I just keep bursting into tears and just spaced out. I don't know what to do. I don't want to be like this,I'm only 22. :(

I'm really quite upset.

26-03-09, 20:02
You can get it from Neal's Yard or Boots, or Holland and Barrett
Try distracting yourself with something - Have you got any hobbies you can immerse yourself in???

26-03-09, 20:25
I did used to be really into fashion,drawing etc and exercising believe it or not but I'm just so sore down there and everywhere that I can't muster strength.

I been crying on off today and I was contemplating going back to my GP tomorrow but I don't think I will,I;m too embarassed.

There is something real wrong down there,I can see it for FS.

I mean how did the doc at the sex clinic place not see that my Vagina was producing yellow,green mucuous for crying out loud? I actually pulled a bit off today and it was like sticky string.

I hate to be so to the point in descrbing things but I just don't know what to do.

My tongue also looks like it has ring type sores all over it.

Gah.. I give up.. :'(


26-03-09, 20:52
honey that sounds like a nightmare, i'm so sorry you feel this way. i really hope it gets better. try and relax and keep busy and talk to people, and you know what? crying actually makes me feel better sometimes. i cry all the time, but it's the days i don't cry that are the worst.

it sounds exactly like ibs because i had the same thing after something traumatic happened, i seriously thought it would never get better but eventually after a few months of agony it suddenly went away, still have stomach cramps but going to the toilet normally. it's hard to believe that stress can affect you so drastically but it can, and it's horrible, but it's unlikely to be anything else believe me. i'm 20 and my doctor didn't even refer me for tests he just said at my age it's 99.9% going to be ibs, and eventually i realised he is probably right because it's so so common especially when you are stressed or anxious.

as for the discharge i really panicked and thought i had candida or something when i was very itchy and dischargey but my doctor said that can also be affected by stress so that's probably what it is. for women it's hard to tell what's going on down there because it's all so close together if you know what i mean! but it could just be the time of the month, or a little bit of thrush that will probably clear itself up so unless you get more drastic symptoms don't worry! i also read somewhere that discharge isn't unusual unless it's very very smelly, or yellowy-green or if you get alot like so much you have to change your knickers more than once a day, so unless you have any of that it's probably fine. (sorry for being so graphic! but believe me problems "down there" are probably what stresses me out the most...)

anyway it sounds like stress so just try to relax. lots of hugs, i know you're in agony right now! lots of love

26-03-09, 20:54
ps try to not examine yourself at all, that always sets me off too! i know it's hard. sometimes i have a bath in the dark with just candles to stop myself doing that!!!

27-03-09, 14:33
Oh My God I Googled And It Says That A Cancerous Growth On The Cervix Looks Like An Ulcer.

;'( I Am Terrifed Now.

:'( Help Help Help Help

27-03-09, 14:55
Ii've f**ked the relatively goodish day I've had in awee while by searching.

EVerything is bad!

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27-03-09, 17:19
Firstly, if you google, as we all know - cancer is pretty much the first or second thing that comes up - with any symptom you type in.... Thrush is well know for causing ulcers - everywhere. Mouth, throat, vagina etc.... I would do your best to treat that first. Reduce your sugar intake - completely. Stay off booze, eat a lot of probiotic yoghurt (natural) and in any Health Food shops you can find combination vitamins and herbs that are put together for Candidiasis.... which it sounds like you have (DO NOT PANIC, it is very common and by the by, it can cause constipation and bowel problems). To help your bowel movements, there is a supplement you can buy called Psyllium Husk. It is pure fibre and sticks to your colon, picking up all the gunk stuck there and forcing your bowels to move along. My mother suffers from constipation and it works wonders for her. Make sure you don't take too much though and drink plenty of water with it (also, buy it in pill form as the powder is foul).

With regards to the examination of your vagina - well, if we're going to get graphic - it sounds not disimilar to mine... apart from the green.... (are you sure it's green, if so, does it smell? If it does, you may well have an infection).

They took swabs to test for infection - standard practise... and any smear test or examination should do that.

It sounds to me like you have wound yourself up beyond belief. Your mouth reflects your state of mind - and it's no wonder it's sore and in a mess.

An ulcer on the cervix does not mean cancer - it really doesn't. It means you have suffered a slight trauma (probably due to your smear) and that the skin cells have ulcerated - exactly what happens in your mouth..... trauma to sensitive areas often causes an ulcer.

Please try not to panic - if you do, it will make every symptom you have triple in effect....

See your GP - don't be embarrassed, that is what they are there for - talk through everything you are worried about - because you need to, you really do, only because you are in such a state. But candidiasis (which is thrush throughout the body) can be horrid and needs to be addressed - but it is NOT cancer....

27-03-09, 18:52
Stop googling as it will make you 100 times worse :lac:

29-03-09, 14:28
Thankyou both very much.

I tried eating lots of natural yogurt and eating cloves of raw garlic and it seemed to help down there a little.

I'm still so bloated and it's just rather strange because it looks like my sides and back are swollen also. and there's such a weird pressure at my tailbone which is freaking me out.

I have been on the movicol now for a good few days,and nothing has changed really.I just keep passing strange water and it feels like it's through the space of a pinhead. Like it's not opening fully.

I dialled 999 and had two police out because I been having other problems besides all my health fears and just brokedown and didn't know what to do and was thinking awful awful thoughts. But they eventually calmed me and got me home.

I'm just spaced out now.

Bloated and spaced.

24-05-09, 11:45
I actually feel really terrible 4 u, Reading your story was making me so upset, I'm also in my early 20's & the worries your having are on my mind too - I'm worried about cancer as I have a pain in my pelvic area in the middle what I would assume was my cervix - I get my test results from the Gu clinic on Tuesday and I'm a wreck waiting for those the 2 weeks I've waited has had my brain in total overdrive looking up what this pain could be etc. It's so depressing it makes me want to cry a lot no one understands - I used to be so happy & carefree now all I do all day is worry constantly. I'm supposed to be going on a trip to the states for 6 months next Sunday - a month ago I was so so excited now I'm terrifyed and worried, I will b panicing and missing the comfort of my family the whole time :-( xxx

24-05-09, 18:27
Oh hun, I sure know how you feel :-( But don´t worry - whatever happens, you´ve got someone to talk to here - we´ve been there. Hang on in there. Sending prayers your way.

24-05-09, 19:07
Oh sweetheart I am so sorry for all you are going through. Everything you are going through sounds so scary, but also stuff that can be treated and is definitely made worse by anxiety. I am going through something similar and know what a nightmare the waiting game can be. However I have to say I really really think you are going to be ok and the worst part of this is the horrible anxiety. It runs you down so much, I knowhat its like to have eating issues as well. It is both so emotional and physically draining.....
Anyway I am here for you if you need me.
One thing that has really helped my poos is psyllium husks, you just buy a big jar of them, i have found they are available at most grocery stores or try a health food store. Three tablespoons a day in water, and drink it fast cause it takes kind of gross and thickens really fast. I believe they are available in some places in pill form. It has been a lifesaver for me, I have never had such healthy poops! It also really cleanses bad stuff out of your colin.
Anyway, I am thinking of you. xxxxxoooooooo
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

20-07-09, 19:56
Hello Wee-Mee,
I have a oral yeast infection and I just wanted to know how well that fluconazole worked for you and did you have side effects to the med ?
I am so scared with this as it is now on the roof of my mouth and on my tongue.
Thanks a bunch Tammy Wammy

24-01-11, 13:28
thank you for sharing this useful information.... Psyllium husk Powder (http://www.psylliumexport.com)