View Full Version : My emet and panic/anxiety

26-03-09, 14:13
:mad: Hello everyone

I came off (cold turkey) Seroxat ten weeks ago after 13 years of taking it. The reasons I went on it in the first place have nearly all gone away (lots of life circumstances at the same time)

I had CBT when I was withdrawing, which was brilliant!

Here's my dilemma - I'm scared to death of being sick/seeing people be sick and the thought of being without toilet facilities make me panic and anxious....strange eh??? :roflmao:

The majority of the time, I'm fine, I can cope, I can contain my anixety but my lovely, lovely fiance is a lorry driver that goes abroad with his job. He wants me to go on a trip with him, which I want to....what's stopping me??? Lack of toilet facilities if we have to park up anywhere but services.

I get so angry with myself that this bloody fear is (in some way) ruling me life!

Why can't I be normal??? :mad:

Any advice?