View Full Version : An idea - not for everyone but still

26-03-09, 14:29
Hey Everyone,

My cousin and I both suffer from GAD... to us its a great thing that neither of us are alone although our triggers and symptoms differ we can relate to eachother and pull eachother up when we fall...

It's only been 2 days since i found this site and already feeling loads better, although I realise that it will probably come back... I feel more confident in my ability to cope with it now that I have labled it and realise i do have a problem and its not just me.

Anyway back to my point.. My cousin and I are going to have GAD tattoos done... we're both into tattoos anyway but in this instance we've decided we're gonna design something wearable and have it tattooed so when ever we feel the anxiety taking a grip on us all we have to do is look at the tattoo as a reminder that its just Anxiety, its not real the thoughts are not true the emotions are just symptoms and that it will pass like it has every other time before.

Secondly it will serve as a reminder during the good times to appreciate every second while it lasts.

TO us it will be more special as we'll be GAD tattoo buddies lol

I realise this isn't for everyone but the idea can be transposed to suit others who wouldnt want a permanant mark perhaps they could have a necklace or id bracelette with the initials GAD or even a little card to place in your wallet that you can take out and look at when you feel yourself falling...

Peace and love to everyone...


26-03-09, 14:33
that sounds great:yesyes:

26-03-09, 16:11
:yesyes: :yesyes:
You are right! it isnt for everyone, but if its right for you and your cousin thats brilliant!! Its great that you two support each other so effectively and seem to have the same likes and interests.
I hope the tattoos work and well done for facing up to these demons!!!

26-03-09, 17:29
I think it's a brilliant idea. I also think anything like this which others' may see can help take away the stigma attached to this illness. You are kind of advertising the fact that you're an anxiety sufferer and you are not trying to hide it. Very very good. I think it wil help a lot. Take care.

27-03-09, 11:23
Thanks for all the replies...

Yvonne II never thought about it that way but you're right... I'm not ashamed of the GAD, in fact I'm actually very grateful that I can now lable what I have as opposed to spending or better said wasting my life convinced i am an evil crazy person who deserves nothing good from anyone.

I will wear my GAD Tat with pride..

Take care everyone and chins up!