View Full Version : Tearful over sinus problems and nosebleeds

26-03-09, 14:30
I was wondering if any body else has experienced nosebleeds with sinus problems? I have become obsessed with blowing my nose following an infection which causes my nose to bleed. I sometimes feel very congested and have blood in my post nasal drip which I can suck into my mouth following an nosebleed. I have been to see 2 different doctors who assure me I am fine and that I am not going to die from this, but I am totally overwhelmed by the appearance of blood. Every waking moment is taken up with thoughts of this and it is stressing me out so much that I am exhausted and unable to function properly. All I seem to do is cry. My hubby has stage 3 kidney disease and needs my support so badly at the moment and I feel so guilty that I am so obsessed with myself.
I was doing so well with my anxiety and panic attacts and have even got over my fear of going out. I have even managed to gain a stone in weight as I lost so much last year when my panic attacks were at their worst!
Oh to be the confident person I used to be. I feel a shadow of my former self.
I just cannot let this fear take over my life.
If anyone has had the same symptoms and can reassure me I would be most grateful.
Kindest regards Nikki. :-) x

26-03-09, 14:41
Bleeding nose is common with sinus infections, and, as doctors already told you, it's nothing to worry about. I have this from time to time; it started 16 yrs ago with a sinus infection. I really don't care about it. It is fragility in one of the tiny blood vessels that irrigate the membranes inside your nostrils.

You cannot afford letting fear grow inside your mind. You are the most important person in your life, and if you are ok, then any person around you will bennefit from it. tc :)

26-03-09, 20:29
What is it you are worrying about, having a sinus infection or just the bleeding?

I had a sinus infection back in Dec and I had a nose bleed, the GP said it was just because I had a fever and was unwell. I was refered to ENT last year and I have chronic sinus problems but I was told that a nose bleed is not usually a symptom of a sinus infection, its usually from blowing you rnose too much or from infections up the nostril. At the moment I have alot of bleeding from my left nostril, its been happening for 3 weeks now but it is because I have an infection up there so every time I blow I have blood on the tissue. Are yours full flowing nose bleeds or what I have just described?

I do worry about having sinusitis (too much googling in the past) but ENT has told me if you have a sinus infection then you have fever and green discharge from the nose.

I wouldn't worry, you just need to relax abit and trust your GP, he would refer you to ENT if he was concerned.

26-03-09, 22:00
Dear Aimee,
Many thanks for your reply. I know I am being silly and yes "Googling" is the worst thing you can do to make anxiety go sky high! I have learnt my lesson with this.
I have always had problems on and off with nasal problems since a child. Since having the flu over Christmas and having a sinus infection I have had spots of blood in my tissue each time I blow my nose. I have been using a saline nasal wash to help with this problem which has helped considerably with the congestion. Yesterday morning I had streaks of blood when I blew my nose in the morning and just dismissed it as normal. About half an hour later I felt some mucus in the back of my throat and spat it out to find that it was pink and obviously bloody. My panic went sky high. This happened again after I had a bath in the evening. This has happened to me in the past, but it still freaks me out. I can cope with the nose issue, but it is the blood sliding down the back of my throat that bothers me. Does this happen to you?
Sorry to be such a pain and I really do apprecaite your help.
I hope you feel better soon.
Kindest regards Nikki. X