View Full Version : Drop down dead

26-03-09, 16:52
Hi everyone,

my biggest fear is i am convinced that my heart is going to just stop and im going to die there and then. when im having a panic attack, my finger is glued to my wrist aor neck to make sure i have a pulse.
I was just wandering is anyone else has this fear?

Keep strong


26-03-09, 17:05
Yes! I am parnoid about it, i think what if I just cease to exist. But then I think I wouldn't know about it anyway. What troubles me more is those I would leave behind if it happened.this is def anxiety, it makes you always imagine terrible things and nice to know I'm not the only one that has thoughts like thisTake care

26-03-09, 17:36
Yup, but i have a hole in mine.......so thats probably why i worry so much! but my boyfreinds always telling me off for my excessive pulse checking!

26-03-09, 20:18
That happened to me today! I had just finished lunch with my friend, we got in the car. I didn't feel anything funny in my chest, but I put my finger to my neck to feel my pulse (I do that a lot, part of my anxiety) and I couldn't find it, when I did finally, I swear I felt my pulse just stop and disappear. I started to panic and tried to find my pulse in my wrist and couldn't find it, went back to my neck and I couldn't feel it. As the panic and fight or flight started to hit, my heart started to pound and I started to calm down.

Why couldn't I just realize that if I was "conscious" enough (literally) to really think my heart had stopped, than it was clearly not happening??? All this happened while my friend was driving, I didn't say a word. I was trying to act normal while picturing needing to have my heart shocked to get it to start again.

I need to stop feeling like I am having a heart attack all the time. Its getting exhausting.

26-03-09, 20:46
I have had this in that it gets to the point where I actually have to get out of my bed and walk about or something cos I get so focused on my heart. That I get freaked it's going to stop when I'm lying still.

I actually thought about dropping down dead at the bus stop today and I literally shook my head in the middle of the line to get the thoughts out my head.

Anxiety and it's wonderfulness eh?........... :(

26-03-09, 21:49
Wonderful is right :mad:

I am constantly scrutinizing my heart beat, how hard its beating, how soft its beating, fast or slow. I must look like a crazy person always checking my pulse, even at work!

27-03-09, 12:22
hello....this was my biggest fear a few i had (literally) got my finger on the pulse constantley....this was a few years ago now and i had big issues with my heart-had lots of tests-all normal and you know what im still here now- i didnt drop down dead and neither will you-the feeling will go and you will get better..i promise

30-03-09, 09:40
Yup 100% I have that one, although often I think checking my heartbeat is more of a nervous habit than a genuine concern... sometimes i get scared tho! ._.

its probably one of most common forms of health anxiety, i mean i think its pretty much the only one i get..


30-03-09, 09:48
Aww and reading some of the posts here - yeah im sure ur pulse can fluctuate just a little momentarily sometimes, I mean for example this is what a heart palpitation is and its not going to actually hurt you, its probably just tension or some such, I get it semi-often but doctors say im healthy ^_^

Anxiety sucks. lol :)