View Full Version : worried

26-03-09, 17:34
Hi All
Been suffering with anxiety for well over a year now and trying to overcome it but keep having constant symptoms i cant get rid off. Mainly i always feel kind of empty and weak, when i sit down i feel that im moving or going to fall off my chair, horrible!..When i walk i always tend to walk to the left and feel so disorientated. My legs will ache and go all wobbly, my feet feel like they are on fire,and feel so spaced out!!the symptoms are never ending!!! Can all this really b down to anxiety after such a long time? Really trying to push myself and say its just sensations but not getting anywhere!!!!!

27-03-09, 22:27
Hi Rob,

If you had nausea and sweating along with these other symptoms you describe it sounds to me like you have Vertigo.

If I were you I would go to my GP and describe your symptoms as there is no harm in it. Hope you feel better soon.

Take care,


27-03-09, 22:42
Yeah it does sound like there's some biological cause, maybe an ear infection or something like that, so get yourself checked out.

It could also be something to do with your diet, as it sounds like your wooziness and weakness could be caused by low blood sugar. Also tiredness will probably be a factor.

With such a long list of symptoms it does sound like anxiety has also made an unwelcome return. I think seeing your doctor would take a huge weight off your mind and maybe it will cause some of your symptoms to disappear.