View Full Version : discharge question ladies

26-03-09, 18:32
Just been to the loo and noticed that my discharge was a funny colour, its usually clear and white jelly like but this looked a browny green yellowish ( doesnt smell )colour, ive finished a period on monday but am really scared. I have soreness as well at my vulva area almost a burny sensation but going to the loo doesn't sting, my smear came back clear just about a month and a half ago. Ive also got abdo pain tonite lower left hand side, just feels niggly im really scared this is ovarian or cervical cancer as ive never had any discharge like this , help im am so scared just now and freaking out , physically shaking , sorry if its too much info , just need advice

26-03-09, 18:38
Hi kitty,

might be because you just finished a period.
I'd leave it for a few days if it carries on pop to the docs, try not to worry about it too much, you'll probably find it clears up.

best wishes

di xx

26-03-09, 18:39
ive had brown discharge after a period quite a few times my doc told me nothing to worry about as my smears are normal, dont forget you've only just noticed it so just monitor the situation if it continues go to see the doc but i'm sure its nothing to worry about x

27-03-09, 19:20
Well i went to my doctor today and told him how i was feeling,he didn't think it was a urine infection so he decided to take a swab , he said he could see discharge there.
I said i was scared of ovarian cancer but all he said was whilst doing the internal he could feel no cysts on my ovaries and all looked healthy as this was firstly what they would look for, but how can they tell you that there are none there by just an internal would you not need an ultra sound or something??? He didn't even feel my tummy:shrug: and I did tell him about the left sided low pain, im still feeling really nauseus and still have some abdo pain ,so ive now to wait till either monday or tuesday for the results, plus on top of everything i forgot to ask him about something to help me sleep at night as ive been really struggling just now, so now im going to be worrying all weekend and im still not 100% sure im ovarian cancer free yet ......argh

28-03-09, 03:01
sounds like a bacterial infection...opposite of yeast infection. They give meds and ur fine...not an STD just a thing.

Try meletonin to sleep.