View Full Version : in agony

26-03-09, 20:14
i went to hospital today and ive been sent home in agony no help whatsoever, just stcuk steri strips on me and told me to leave, just because people with anxiety and mental health probs don't have clear pain like broken bones, doesn't mean we can't feel pain inside :weep:

im that depressed since coming home i can't eat or drink, normally i love chocolate but can't bring myself to eat any of that either

Pink Panic
27-03-09, 09:13
Hi Lonely :hugs:

I see that no-one has come along to answer your post from yesterday evening so I thought I'd send you hugs and ask if you are feeling better?

Yes, it's horrible and awful that the medical profession sometimes have to do a quick turnaround with patients and that's with everyone not just folks with mental health issues.
My daughter and her partner both work in a large hospital and I know the targets they have to meet leave them upset lots of the time as sadly they aren't able to spend the amount of time with the patient that they'd like to.
Do you have a mental health team that you can contact for support hun or perhaps if not you could go to your GP?

Please try and keep eating the drinking and hey even try a small piece of chocolate, it might just help.
Hoping you feel better soon.

Love & Hugs

27-03-09, 09:22
i know excactly how you feel i have been to A&E loads of times telling them i dont feel well but because i have anxciety they dont want to know if only they felt the same. dont worry they wont have any luck:hugs:

Pink Panic
27-03-09, 09:39
I was shocked to find out that in our local A & E they have to devote a lot of their time to needle exchanges for the local drug addicts. It was only when my daughter went there on a placement that I found out. She also had to deal with a school boy who had overdosed on heroin who spat in her face and said "thanks for ruining my hit"!!!
Grrrrrr it's infuriating that folks like us can't get treatment but these types can. :mad:

27-03-09, 12:04
pink panic,that is awful..i totally agree with you.

And lonely..I sympatise wth you totally.

I feel docs and visits to the A and E are pointless sometimes. I was tehre a few days ago with bowel problems..haven't had a proper pooh in about 3 weeks and I I got finger up bum,they never felt anything and gave me movicol and sent me home. "If it doesn't get better in a few days come back and we will take it from there"

Yeah,cool thanks..

So here I am,depressed and anxious and still no bowel movements.

meanwhile in a cubicl further down and I can hear a doc and a nurse getting abuse from a junkie that didn't want treatmen..


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27-03-09, 12:47
thanks and they didn't even realise i was in such a state because they were going to leave my wound open, i am writing a complaint as its just not right to be treated in such a way

today i saw nurse at gp practice, she said i wasnt myself and looked really ill, she has seen me before soo knew how i normally am and look, i explained what happened she was disgusted by the treatment i was given too

got gp app after dont know why i booked it really but i need to talk to someone as i just feel rubbish i just keep sitting reflecting events in my head cannit move and like daydreaming but not actually daydreaming about anything just sitting in a daze

27-03-09, 13:55
Hmm try calm a little sweetpea, the daydreaming but not sounds like you could be depersonalosing a tad.

No having a talk with your Gp will make you feel better. If I was your Gp I would get them to write an official complaint about one of their patients.

I remember a few weeks ago with my pelvic problems I went and seen the nurse before getting taken into the A and E part and she said "are you taking any painkillers?" and I said I wasn't because they seem to make me constipated and I'm having probs with that recently also and she just looked at me like I was a nutcase and said"well you're obviosuly going to be in pain then if you're not taking anything for it"

And I was like"well that's why I'm here..not for relief but to find out WHY I am insuch pain"

Gah..she really did have such an attitude problem..I mean I was there in tears and she gives it that bullcrap.

The doc that I seen shortly after wasn't much better..diagnosed me with a UTI EVEN though I said I wasn't burning when I urinated,or was peeing frequently..

Thankfully other times they have been very nice.

Buit yes,when you're putting your life in their hands and they're *******s...it doesn't make for a nice encounter xxx

27-03-09, 19:21
what is depersonalising?


28-03-09, 17:39

It's disgusting the treatment you got. Agony is word you would think is only associated to physical wounds, however agony inside with depression is the worst agony ever. I do know how you feel, I have felt that way and it was the worst thing I've ever been through. You just don't know where to turn for help or respite from the way you feel.

Your gp will help you. You're self harming obviously. I know someone who self harms and she is up to A&E all the time. She gets treated with shere disgust and no sympathy whatsoever. It's completely dreadful and I wonder what is wrong with our NHS. Someone must be in a great deal of pain indeed to self harm!!!! Any nurse/doctor must know this!!!!!

Are you on any medication to help? If not I'm sure the gp will put you on something. Things will get better xxxxxxxxxxxx

28-03-09, 21:02
thanks yes im on 225mg venlafaxine and 5mg 5 up to times a day of promazine, i see my physchiatrist again thursday but im petrified as its at the same hospital even though i wont be going near a&e, i see cpn for first time at gp surgery week on monday not sure what to expect for that