View Full Version : Had my CT Scan - Now worried about pancreas!!!

Laura xx
26-03-09, 22:18
Well I went for my abdominal CT scan with a dye injection today. It was awful and I hated every minute of it and was a complete wreck by the time I came out from the hospital!!

The scan was initally to look at my liver (which was flagged as slightly enlarged and fatty on an ultrasound) but when I arrived my Consultant had asked the CT suite to pay special attention to my pancreas!

Do you think this is because my blood tests showed a problem????? Now I am worried I have got pancreas cancer and the worst thing is I "googled" and found out that this is NOT curable and is nearly always fatal!! :ohmy:

I am now sure I have this type of cancer with these symptoms:-

Abdominal pain/discomfort
Right sided pain that goes round to back
Urgent bowel movements
Inner tremors
Feeling sick and hot
Weight loss (over a stone in 4 weeks) despite eating
Back pain

My endoscopy ruled out any problems with stomach, so what else could this be???

I hate worrying and I don't go back to see the consultant until 15th April - waiting for results absolutely SUCKS :weep:

26-03-09, 22:41
don't forget that you can have things wrong with your pancreas that are not cancer and perfectly treatable so even if there is something wrong with your pancreas it does not have to be cancer. REat assured that if the ct showed anything dreadful your consultants sec would be on the phone asking you to come in very quickly as they get the results within a few days but if its not serious they just wait for your next appt - they don't take into account the nervous wrecks with health anxiety.

I'm not going to say don't worry cos we would all be feeling same way as you are but hope that eveyrthing turns out okay and try and remember that your symptoms could be all anxiety or something not serious that is treatable.


27-03-09, 10:05
Hi Laura

I'm so sorry you had a horrible experience with your scan. I have had a few lately and most were not too bad but the last PET scan a bit depressing.
Be glad that bit is over and try to put it aside.
I know the waitng is the pits. I've had xrays, ct scan and PET and also biopsy and am still awaiting results. It's been a nightmare time for me...spanning over 3 months in total.
There is nothing anyone can say which will make it easier...but my only advice would be to keep occupied as far as you can. My heart stops beating every time the phone rings, and I dread the poor old post-man as sometimes I have just had letters to say they need to do another test.
Are you able to share your fears with close family? I got a phone call this week and went into a spin, but my husband reminded me the Doc said I would be asked to go for the scan and she had told me not to panic! I'd forgotten....

Take care and try to enjoy the weekend. I find that I can unwind then because it's highly unlikely you'll hear anything over the weekend.

Love Pegs XX

27-03-09, 10:32
Correct me if I'm wrong but does diabetes not result in weightloss and things with the pancreas? Like it doesn't absorb insulin as best it should or something..?

My mum has diabetes,God you'd think I would know better about it.

Please take care love,I too am waiting on all sorts of results and I am a nervouse wreck..I think if they suspected cancer though they would have you whipped in sooner though xx

27-03-09, 23:58
Isn`t the pancreas situated in the middle and left of the upper stomach? Then it doesn`t make sense that your pain are situated at the right.
This could be stones in the gallbladder from your description of the problem. I`ve had it and it hurts and makes you pretty unwell but it`s not dangerous...

Laura xx
28-03-09, 09:58
I agree, I also thought the pancreas was towards the left.

My doctor initially thought is was gallbladder related because I also get lots of wind but it wasn't showing any gallstones on the ultrasound I had.

28-03-09, 11:31
I`ve looked again at your symptoms and I can relate to everyone of them. I suffer from anxiety and at times it "attacks" my stomach and I get all the symptoms you describe.
I guess you are pretty stressed now and that tends to have an impact on your stomach.
I had enormous problems with with my stomach when I was studying law (I`m a lawyer now). I couldn`t eat anything besides white bread for a period leading up to one of my exams. But when the stress abated my stomach got much better. This lasted for about 2 months and I lost about 12 kilograms in weight (I don`t know how much a stone is...).

Cancer of the pancreas is a terrible disease (I`m afraid of it too) but it is very rare. I don`t know how old you are but if you are below 40 the chance of you getting it in the next five years is below one in ten thousand (according to the norwegian cancer statistics).That is a chance much lower actullaly than that you will die if you have it because 5 in a 100 with this cancer survives (again norwegian numbers). Actually if you are under 40; 15 of a 100 survives this cancer...

I hope everything turns out all right and try to remember that it is very, very unlikely that you have this cancer. Besides you don`t show any of the most typical symptoms (Yellow eyes/skin, white stools etc.)

I hope you can understand what I am writing because english isn`t my native tongue and I`m afraid my english leaves a lot to be desired....