View Full Version : Having one of those nights...

26-03-09, 22:25
I've been crying on & off all night...I know its gonna be hard for me to get to sleep tonight...I've just been googling and all my worst fears have been made true...

I feel like im spiralling down into a pit of despair...I know I'm not well...I just know it! My symptoms are present...all the time, its ruining my life
Please help me

26-03-09, 22:44
You don't say what your symptoms are??/ Have you seen a Dr had any tests etc etc.

apart from above all the anxiety you are feeling will make any symptoms worse and as you probably know only too well googling is worst thing you can do and never ever helps us.

We all know how awful you feel and how terrified you are and I am sending you a vitual :hugs:

26-03-09, 22:46
You don't say what your symptoms are??/ Have you seen a Dr had any tests etc etc.

apart from above all the anxiety you are feeling will make any symptoms worse and as you probably know only too well googling is worst thing you can do and never ever helps us.

We all know how awful you feel and how terrified you are and I am sending you a vitual :hugs:

I've posted before but my worry is HIV, I have rough, slightly raised patches in my mouth but nothing visible...of course as soon as I googled it came up with HIV and cancer...im now scared out of my wits

27-03-09, 06:16
I've posted before but my worry is HIV, I have rough, slightly raised patches in my mouth but nothing visible...of course as soon as I googled it came up with HIV and cancer...im now scared out of my wits

And have you done anything to catch HIV?

Judas Gamez
27-03-09, 09:19
hey girl afraid i know how you feel because i might have gone through thinking that i had every single disease and you know what i don't. if you are worrying about HIV and cancer then you should go get it checked out but just to let you know, to get Cancer is very hard especially tumors. HIV is easy to get checked and if you need to make yourself feel better then do so by checking it out. if you are a very anxious/panicky person like the rest of us here then i suggest to relax because i'd say your head has got to you again. i know cause i would cry night after night about the same things and i believe that was just all me being O.C.D.ish adn becoming a HYPOCHANDRIAC!! i hate that word because i ve been told many times. best of luck girl.

27-03-09, 10:40

Honestly. If people tell you the devil doesn't exist the're bull-poohing ;) The devil is GOOGLE!

I am so sorry that you are feeling so low.

I always tell myself I wont google and I always end up doing it..it's like telling a kid not to push the button..the button being google and we all press it!

If you are concerned,you're best going to a doctor just to see Sweety.

All the best,Amy xx

27-03-09, 12:49
Thanks to all

But the thing is I have ben to the doctors & dentist

and they told me nothing