View Full Version : finally

27-03-09, 08:59
just to let you know i might have finally got the help in need, as you all know i have been very suicidal latly because my meds weren't helping me i am now see the acute care team who will be trying to sort me out in my own home!
little bit of good news:)

27-03-09, 16:09
Emma I am so pleased that you are going to get some help from the crisis team. Now I understand about your posts about being 'committed' Hopefully the team will get your meds sorted out so that a spell in hospital will not be necessary.

27-03-09, 17:21
That's good news Emma - hopefully this is the beginning of your journey to get better x x x
But nag nag honey - be patient with yourself and do not expect miracles overnight. But you will get better x x

27-03-09, 17:41
Good, I hope everything turns out all right for you :)

27-03-09, 17:43
Hi Emma
Thats briliant, good luck xxx

Pink Panic
27-03-09, 19:12
Hi Emma

Hey hun that's great news. :hugs:

Let us know how things are going.

Take care.

05-04-09, 21:32
just to let you know im doing really fine now the team are great and the meds have really helped its amazing how ill anxiety can make you feel
thanks for all your support
emma xx

06-04-09, 15:51
That is good news - was wondering how you'd been getting on.

16-04-09, 19:02
just to let you know how im getting on i have been seeing the acute care team for two weeks the psyc but my mirtazipine up to 30mg which i didn't like because for 8 weeks of being on it i felt so ill everyday anyway they give me clorazpan to take with it and this is the only thing that has calmed me down i know i cant stay on it but im due to see the pshc again tomorrow hopefully going to tey new med im sick of feeling sick all the time anyway let you know what happens

Tori Frances
25-04-09, 08:56
Hi Emma,
I also have an acute team seeing me in my home. Good to have that intensive support without having to go into hospital. They say they are only short term however and even though I am nowhere near better they seem to be trying to pull out. Have had many changes of combinations of meds and yet to find one that will keep me stable. How are you now? Find the right meds? Acute team still involved?

25-04-09, 19:33
How is it going Emma ? Are you still progressing well ?

27-04-09, 11:20
no not really sorry to be down but just ani't helping they wont change my meds?

04-05-09, 15:35
just tolet people know i am changing my meds tomorrow to citalopram im really scared but feel i needd they change and my psych does to finally listened to me. i just hope i dont get worst hope everyone is well