View Full Version : I am new and would like some help x

27-03-09, 10:46
Hi I'm new today.. Been reading this website and it seems to give me great reassurance that i constantly deem to need!!!!
Im Amz and i am 21.. 22 Next month,
I have been suffering with panic attacks now for nearlly 3 years. I seem to have them alot more when my husband goes away with the army..
I have lately bee suffering with anxiety symptoms which are really affecting my life.
I don't want to go anywhere without a fight to do so..
Feel lightheaded and the feeling that i am going to faint or collapse, but this will be alllllll day long. from when i get up till go to bed... Feel sick and constantly feel like i need the toliet!!! i know there is nothing major wrong with me. I think iv'e accepted that.. i just cant get rid of this dizzyness/ lightheaded.
The last thing i want is medication. i will not take it at mo. I am having hypnosis at mo., combined with CBT and all though i feel this benefits me i still feel the way i do

Look forward to some advice.
Sorry for the long message. i could talk about this all day
amz x x

27-03-09, 12:06
I would suggest finding a distraction as soon as you first start to feel the beginning of your panic attack, and do it every time, eventually you may find you have more control over the attacks. I know I feel better talking to my other half as she know and understand my issues.

I used to "hide" in the toilet when I felt bad someone thinking I was safer there, perhaps thats why you go so much it your security blanket?

Talking about it helps and it seem here is a place where people understand!

Now I need to take some of my own advice..!

27-03-09, 13:04
Yes you do lol!!!
I have started to control the panic attacks it's like in a way i can't be bothered with them. its just my anxiety issues now that are controlling my life. the constant feeling of as if im going to collapse through dizzyness and being lightheaded.
I do talk to my other half, he doesnt understand that anxeity can make you feel this bad and get told by alot of people just to get on with it. it is so scary.
amz x

27-03-09, 15:17
Hey..i too get this dizzyness like all the time and it feels awful.Then i start believing im going to faint which makes me really panic!

we just got to realise it isnt goin to harm us at all and stop fearing it.eaiser said than done though lol! Breathing exercises are good for dizziness an yeah distraction.. when your totally focoused on something else that your intrested in you stop worryin so much how you feel and you start to feel much better x X:)

27-03-09, 19:33
Hi there and :welcome: to the site , a lot of good advice and support here, the chatroom is also very good, take care xx

27-03-09, 20:11
Hi! I suffer from dizziness too and have done for quite a while though i didn't know what it was at first. i thought i had an ear infection or something it was only when I had a panic attack at work that the doctor diagnosed me with anxiety. Which was good in one way cos now i know its not a brain tumor or anything, but its bad in another cos when i didn't know what it was i kind of ignored it the best i could. Now my family knows that its not something physical they seem to think that i should be able to pull myself together and get on with it. Some of my family aren't really sympathetic with psychological problems.

28-03-09, 10:02
Hi Amz, :hugs:

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

I also can relate to the constant feeling of dizziness and fear that I'm going to collapse/faint. Also having to really push myself to go anywhere. I think that the dizziness with me is not as bad as it used to be. I keep reminding myself that it's anxiety and that nothing 'terrible' is going to happen. I think that trying not to focus/check on it helps - I know a lot easier said than done!! Also the distraction & breathing is very helpful.

Best wishes :bighug1:

28-03-09, 10:19
Again, for me distraction is the best way to handle it. My daughters school is a 15 min. walk and if I feel an attack coming on when I go to pick her up my favorite distraction is looking at car number plates and trying to make words with the letters!

Cat: Oh, I would so want to slap anyone who told me to pull myself together and get on with it! I'm sure a lot of us have had that. So much misunderstanding it drives me MAD!:doh:

28-03-09, 10:29
Thankyou all so much for your reply... its making me feel so much better... its a lovely sunny day today and i really want to go out with my family., but i just get so fustrated with this dizzyness or feeling faint. what ever it is. sometimes it just feels like im going to collapse. Does anyone actually faint or collapse. I just cant beleive its just anxiety ive had it day in day out now for 2 months.... all doctors tests are fine...
hope someone will reply x x x

28-03-09, 10:38
Hi Amz, :)

I have never fainted or collapsed from this feeling. Like you say it can be hard to believe that anxiety can make you feel like this. The more I have read about it on here & in books the more I have come to realise that it is all down to anxiety. :hugs:

Best wishes :flowers:

28-03-09, 10:40
yes but patty how do you actually keep on going. are you on medication etc. i dont feel depressed or sad really im just furstrated and want to get on with my life....
amz x

28-03-09, 15:37
Hi Amz, :hugs:

For a long time I was so scared of this and I didn't understand about it - I just hid away from everyone & everything. I would also tend to have social anxiety & panic attacks and that didn't help. I am not on medication - haven't been for a long time. This last few months I have started to go out a lot more - and nothing bad has happened. I would say to you to keep pushing yourself to go out and the more times that you go out with these feelings - gradually you will find the easier it will get.

Best wishes :flowers:

28-03-09, 18:36
Hi Amz,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will be able to relate how you are feeling and will give their support.

Take care,


28-03-09, 21:36
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx


29-03-09, 16:09
I get the same feeling, yesterday was a very bad day. Was going really dizzy, felt like room was spinning and kept feeling like going to pass out. never have though but it is an awful feeling and at the minute i don't know how to deal with it. waiting to go for cbt, maybe ask your doc too about this as really helps to talk about it and find out why its happening.