View Full Version : my troubles..

27-03-09, 11:01
hello everyone..well you may have read my introduction, im not new to this site i began suffering anxiety a few years back and had a good 2 years where ive been well...then i heard about jade and my life (and brain) went into overdrive....i decided i too had cervical cancer(only to tell myself i went through tests 18 mths ago for abnormal bleeding and everything was normal)...so then i am torturing myself with the fact ive got bowel cancer as about a month ago (sorry this may beTMI) i notice pinky mucus in the toilet and from wiping(No2)...since then i noticed mucus everytime i went to the toilet(a light yellow/clear colour) not in my poo but it accompanies it (sorry!) and i feel like ive not completley finished-i took myself to gp who was useless an she said she couldnt see no piles so would refer me.....anyway i paid to see a specialist privatley who examined my tummy, put a finger up my bum and checked with a camera thing just inside...he said i had little external piles and two internal piles and thought this mucus could be coming from them-i dont believe him though...i had a baby 10 months ago and had horrible piles then which bled-this time ive no bleeding, just notice a few times slightly pink mucus having been to the loo-my concern is this mucus i have ...the other day it just came out in a poop(sorry) im so worried i dont have no bad pain as such ,just odd times crampy after eating (not always) and i feel like there is something in there also i keep burping im torturing my self this mucus is a symptom of cancer he said he would schedule me for a sigmoidoscopy but doubts anything would be found-that will be on the NHS...so i dont know how long i will have to wait.......thanks to anyone who has read this and can offer any advice im 29 by the way and have 3 children...i dont want to end up in the fragile state i was a few years ago i need to get my head together but its soooooooooooooooo hard!!

27-03-09, 11:06
im pretty sure you will be fine. I have a sigmoidoscopy and i was told that if theres no dark blood there was nothing to fear.

27-03-09, 11:15
I'm quite sure you'll find there was & is nothing to worry about at all. Mucus is one of the classic symptoms of IBS which I bet is what you've got. Horrible thing is - the worse you feel & the more you worry, the worse the IBS gets! Beleive me - I've been there! People tell you "just stop worrying so much" - which with the way you're feeling is as much use as "pull yourself together"! I'm glad you're going to have a sigmoidoscopy - not that you "need" one for a minute BUT it should help convince your sub-concious that there really isn't a serious problem. Hope you don't have to wait too long & then you get the results ASAP.
We're all rooting for you!:hugs:
PS: Hope that, when you do get your clear results, your nasty HA doesn't immediately start looking for something else to panic about - and find it!
That's what mine does! Be alert for that. [England needs lerts!]

27-03-09, 11:49
Good.God. I could have written your post...I too started my cancer worries off after Jade Goody. I t didn't help that I had been diagnosed with a pelvic infection round about the same time she only had a few weeks to live bless her.

I have had my first smear(I'm 22:() and still waiting on results,I have been to the sex health clinic place this week for tests and stuff(where they found an ulcer on my cervix!!) and I too have been going up the wall with bowel movements. I literally cannot pooh on my own so have been on laxatives for about 3 weeks..of all differnt sorts but it feels blocked somehow..so the cancer thoughts are continuing..I'm bloated to hell...so I'm thinking ovarian cancer lso.. The list goes on..

About the mucous..when I HAVE managed to go a little,it's been yellowy water mucouc that looks like stomach lining or something.. and Had a bit of bright blood in part of it..

I keep hearing that its all symptoms of IBS but I haven't been diagnosed with that but I have been put on movicol to help for 7 days...after that they shall be testing me if it's not improved..it's not so far so..

I am sorry you are going through all this.Believe me.I am suffering the same thoughts as you petal,with the cervical and bowels and stuff. My posts about it are everywhere on this board..I'm suprised I haven't been banned for spamming lol.

I hope you get back to your better place soon love,xxx

27-03-09, 12:14
thankyou to your replies they do help..the post came earlier and in there was my sigmoidoscopy appt- 16 april so not too long..at least then ill no 4 sure...no one knows about HA until its experience for themselves...does anyone know what the prep involves, do you not eat the day b4 or something there is no lit in the letter...im going to try not to worry!!!!