View Full Version : Can't stand feeling so anxious all the time

27-03-09, 14:14
Hi, im so tired of feeling so anxious at the moment. Like alot of people i have good and bad days. But this last week i feel that ive been having more bad. When I take my son to school we have to take them into their classroom (at the moment i also have to have my husband or my 17yr old daughter with me i feel so pathetic). Instead of saying to myself ok you felt quite panicky and very uncomfortable but you did it. I just concentrate on that fact that i felt rough and then im anxious for rest of the day on and off thinking what if i feel worse when i go and pick him up. Im trying so hard at the moment to feel and be positive. I feel like im fighting the anxiety all the time. Im on 10mg of propranolol which i take twice a day and my docotor is going to refer me for CBT. I really hope that this works. Has any one else gone for CBT and it has worked for them. Im really sorry for going on, i know that there are people that are suffering alot worse than me. I just feel so sad at the moment i just want to enjoy taking my son to and from school again and enjoy life. But i feel anxiety is stopping me. :ohmy:

27-03-09, 14:38
I really feel for you because my anxiety is out of control again and its a horrible feeling. I have had cbt but when my anx and panic get too bad a impossible for me to think straight let alone be positive. I am on a cocktail of meds and was making progress but its all gone pear shaped this week. Hope you feel better soon love x

Pink Panic
27-03-09, 16:21
Hi Suzy,

Some weeks can be worst than others but you do have to congratulate yourself on the fact that although it was a bad week you still went out and did what you had to do. :yesyes:

Lots of us will use avoidance when we feel like this and I know I used to.
CBT will help you challenge your thoughts and look at things from another perspective instead of the worst which by the way is normal for us anxiety sufferers. I got a lot out of my CBT seesions and recently went back and re listened to them as my counsellor taped them each week so that I could have them there to refresh my memory.
Have you tried any sort of relaxation cd's or downloads as they might help lower your anxiety?

Hope this helps.


27-03-09, 16:45
The main thing is to remind yourself that you managed, even if it felt bad during it. This is one of the keys to overcoming your anxiety. At the moment you seem to concentrate on the negative aspects of things and thats understandable because the feelings are not very nice. BUT and we all need to remind ourselves of this, it does get better. CBT does have a high success rate for those who put in the work. Its not a magic cure and as we have all found there is no magic cure.

Dont feel bad about having someone with you at the moment because for now that supports you and having support is another key which you will learn from CBT.

Keep in mind you are a normal human being who is suffering from anxiety and through time this will get better.

Please try and give yourself praise for doing what you are doing and dont beat yourself up

you are a fighter and you will make it



27-03-09, 17:12
Anxiety can control your life and it's funny how it drags you into a circle taking more control. I have found distracting myself definetly helps, I try to reading a book and usually I find after a time I get lost in thr story.

I was going to asked what CBT was then I decided to google it, I found 2 versions of what CBT is..... the first made me chuckle and the 2nd was Cogntive Behavioural Therapy, don't google "what is CBT" if your easily offended!

Pink Panic
27-03-09, 19:08
I was going to asked what CBT was then I decided to google it, I found 2 versions of what CBT is..... the first made me chuckle and the 2nd was Cogntive Behavioural Therapy, don't google "what is CBT" if your easily offended!

Being one who is not easily offended I just had to google!!! :blush: :roflmao:
Thanks for that Chris!!! LOL:whistles:

27-03-09, 20:53
Thank you all so much. im feeling more confident after reading what you have all written. I also looked up what is cbt i did chuckle.:D