View Full Version : Citalopram and sex drive

27-03-09, 15:04
I was wondering if anyone has had weird symptoms to do with their sex drive.

Mine has been pretty dormant for a couple of weeks through anxiety, but on the odd occasion where someone or something gets my attention, I start to have a panic attack. My breathing accelerates normally at first and I feel fine, but then my chest starts feeling weird and I start to panic, feeling like I can't breathe and I'm going to have a heart attack.

Will this eventually go back to normal as I get used to the medication, or am I going to need to shrink-wrap Winky Willis and put him in storage?

29-03-09, 22:22
I have absolutely no sex drive at all :blush:

I must confess, I've had a pretty bad sex drive for a while, I think due to anxiety/depression, and since I started taking the cit. its emigrated! :roflmao:Sometimes I'm not bothered at all about it, but then sometimes I feel really frustrated about it, because its as though, in my mind I feel 'frisky' but my body doesn't want to know :blush:

30-03-09, 11:47
Hi Budgie, thanks for the reply :D

Your story is pretty much what I went through. Your mind starts to follow along the old lines but your body is on a different track altogether.

This problem started for me when I went on those dates a few weeks ago. I was so anxious and wound up that I must have put myself off sex and relationships.

Once I started taking citalopram, I had terrible panic attacks whenever I got horny because my breathing changed and at that time I was having breathing "difficulties". Also the thought of having to deal with another person in a sexual situation scared me. No wonder I was put off.

I have found that after 9 or 10 days on citalopram my sex drive has returned slightly (about 10% of normal) and the panic attacks don't really happen.

Actually it's a bit of a relief to be without the sex drive for a while (as long as it comes back in the end!).

30-03-09, 12:37
Hi There,

Don't worry about it, it was about a month after starting citalopram that my sex drive came back to normal. I'm male and in my mid twenties so normally my sex drive is quite high. When I started citalopram my sex drive simply dissappeared, after about a month it came back quite quickly. I also found that if you change the dosage at all it goes again for a few days.

30-03-09, 22:46
I'm concerned because I've been on the cit for two months now and theres no interest at all :unsure:

Although. I think it might be complicated; last autumn I had a difficult end of a relationship and I have to admit I'm still going through the effects of all that :doh::blush: so perhaps that's also contributing :shrug: But even after the relationship ended I did have some sex drive. Now, theres just nothing at all, no feeling at all :unsure:

01-04-09, 19:07
Hi guys,

Regarding the sex drive on Cit thing...

My sex drive is normally 24/7, but since taking Citalopram it's.......gone!

I just feel flat. It used to be a change in wind direction got me aroused an now nothing, nothing at all. It's worrying but it's not the end of the world as my other, severe symptoms of depression have diminished somewhat since being on Cit.

I just hope my mojo comes back...and soon!

07-06-09, 12:06
Hi guys
Your posts have sort of reassurred me!
my boyfriends been on put on citalopram, all this time ive been worrying myself stupid thinking that something is wrong with me? Why doesnt he want to have sex with me??
But now i guess its just another one of the many side effects.

10-06-09, 11:41
weirdly my sex drive increased when I first took cit...its seems back to normal now..only problem as I have said on ere before....is that i cant finish the job so to speak...another side affect of cit!

04-07-09, 07:25
weirdly my sex drive increased when I first took cit...its seems back to normal now..only problem as I have said on ere before....is that i cant finish the job so to speak...another side affect of cit!

Side effects are stupis things arent they?!

My boyfriends back to normal now, but yeah, i know what you mean about cant finish the job...

Loz x

04-07-09, 22:13
Count yourself lucky, my sex drive shot through the roof on citalopram!

But i couldnt climax, alot of frustration!

05-07-09, 00:17
Yeah it can increase the sex drive but from what I hear that is not as common as reducing or losing it.

Has anyone else found their sex drive has returned to normal? Mine went back to normal after a week or two.

05-07-09, 07:23
Mine was gone completely as well, for 3 years. I think only now occasionnally i start get interest in it. I hope it will continue to improve as my husband suffers allot because of it and we have lots of missanuderstanding in this area, causing big arguments.

30-11-09, 17:35
Hi guys,

I've been on Cit for nine months now - it's fantastic - that coupled with CBT has helped me feel normal again. No longer am I scared, worried, thinking 24/7, no more black weight of negativty holding me back and telling me I'm worthless. It's just great.

The topic is sex drive or sex on Cit, well initially mines faded to nothing, then came back a bit, and it's about 50% of what it was, but as for climaxing....well I sometimes think running a marathon would be easier...I can go for ages but with a vastly reduced sense of feeling in my penis - it takes a lot to climax. I would say that I only climax once in every ten sessions - sometimes less. I haven't told my current girl about my depression and have made up stuff about being less sensitive during sex - but obviously she wants me to climax.

I'd rather feel the way I do now...sex is great but it's not the be all and end all...feeling normal is!

Take care

30-11-09, 18:04
before i started taking cit at the height of my anxiety my drive was pretty much nil, what with worrying about everything else,last thing on my mind. Started taking cit and within 2 weeks i would say came storming back and has stayed since! I have noticed my staying power has increased but not to a disruptive amount

All the best,G

30-11-09, 18:28
All I can say is GONE :roflmao:

30-11-09, 20:29
All I can say is GONE :roflmao:

Mine too :ohmy:

30-11-09, 22:24
mines still good! then again, its only been 5 days on meds!