View Full Version : bad day again :( burning tongue now

27-03-09, 15:56
Hi all, having another bad day for the past 4 days i have had a burning underside of my tongue its not painful but it feels like i have burnt it. Im not sure exactly but it seems like it may have come on since i went to the dentist last week. Im trying not to think the worst and relate it to the lump in my boob but im struggling. can anyone help :(

27-03-09, 16:17
Hi Tash

I have had this all week on the tip of my tongue, but i've put it down to the oral thrush that i suffer from due to the use of my inhalers.

I'm sure it's nothing to worry about and deffo not related to the lump in your boob...more like something to do with the dentist.

Trish x

27-03-09, 16:24
I suffered for a long time with that tash, i convinced myself i had cancer it got that bad, i was finally diagnosed with burning mouth syndrome, brought on by stress.

Its not long left me after having it for 9 months

hope this helps

di xx

27-03-09, 16:36
Hi guys, thanks for the response - Diane how did you make it go away lol, its driving me nuts!!

27-03-09, 16:53
I didn't hun, hence the reason i had it all that time, but i did notice that when the stress went it started to go, i could hardly eat as it hurt so much, apparently dentist said nothing anyone could do.

i know its despairing hun but it will eventually go, i know some people oh here have only had it for a few weeks so hopefully yours won't be as long as mine.

di xx

27-03-09, 16:58
hi diane
it just goes to show that it depends on the doctor. i have had this sensation for a couple of weeks, one doc said it was oral thrush, one says its a vitamin deficiency! no one has mentioned a sore tongue bought on by stress!
oh well we live and learn!!
choco x

27-03-09, 17:02
Hi choc,
This is the thing the doc didn't find it........... i did, i then went to the dentist and it was him who confirmed it lol

if it helps choc go to my profile and find the thread burning mouth syndrome

hope it helps

di xx