View Full Version : hello,im new here

27-03-09, 17:58
hello everyone i found this forum when i was having a panic attack and feeling very surreal, and read some of the other post and decided to join.

my name is mandy, im 25(will be 26 on april.6). i have had anxiety my whole life i think, but the panic and agoraphobia started after i had my son when i was about 19 years old. at first i thought it was just hormones but then i had to move back in with my mom(me and my bf had broken up), and when she would leave and i would have to be alone i would get this fear i felt like i was going crazy and i would cry,throw up and beg her not to leave and when she would have to i would get throw up,pace the house,and go nuts until she came home or a friend would come over, or i could zone out watching tv. my doctor the told me i had panic/agoraphobia and started me on .25mgs of xanax,then a year later it was 1mg, 4xs a day and now i take 2mgs, 4xs a day. i am pretty much house bound and still hate to be alone. i do the best i can a friend takes me son who is now 8 to and from school and on good days i go just outside with him. i do get out some days i stay very close to my home but i go get my nails done and little things when im having a good day. i talked to my doctor about not being on any meds because i dont like taking them and he wants me to work out for atleast an hour a day. i have tried a few self help programs, but i still have panic attacks. some come out of the blue when im home i get ick,shake,feel like im goingto go crazy. i have never really feared dying just going crazy. i read that schizophina starts in women at 25-30 and have been obessing and very scared that i will become schizophic, even though noone in my family has ever had it. and even my doctor says i wont get it.
i try to fill my days i watch movies,play video games,and world of warcraft to try and just keep my mind busy.
i live ina townhouse a few blocks from my moms, i have been here 3 years in april, but i still get the urge to go back to my moms thats the only place i feel totaly safe. right now im hoping to buy a house that is 8 down from hers. i dont really know what else to say. im from the states. and well i am very very happy i found this forum. i feel so alone sometimes.

27-03-09, 19:16
Hello lostdaydreaming I just found this site myself yesterday, I was reading through all the posts and i thought at last, people who know what i am feeling. I really dont think you have schitzophrenia, its hard to believe what anxiety does to you, I have had the strangest physical symptoms which then in turn affects you mentally. I understand how you feel about taking meds, im a bit like that to , but if it got so bad ( which is does sometimes ) and went on and on every day, then i would take them . I feel safest at home with my husband, dont know what i would do without him, maybe you should go and live near your mum, it may help you recover sooner. You are not alone Mandy

27-03-09, 19:38
Hi there and :welcome: to the site , a lot of good advice and support here, and lots of people that you can chat to ,the chatroom is also very good, you take care xx

27-03-09, 19:52
:emot dance:
the more i read around this site i feel like i finally am not alone, or talking to people who just in a way tell me what i want to hear to try and shut me up thinking that will make the panic stop.

reading the symptoms and why they happen has already given me much peace of mind!

i live pretty close to my mom now, she is very supportive and i am very close with my whole family they at times dont understand, but i do have a few family memebers with panic attacks. just not as extreme as mine.

i am hoping so much that once i get my credit fixed i get this house on the same street as my mom, its only 8 houses down so i could walk down to see her(i am unable to drive).

thanks everyone i think i will check out the chat :)

27-03-09, 19:59
:welcome:Hiya. Ive just joined this site today so I know how your feeling. Just started to read some of the posts and it's good to know that your not alone. I too thought that there was something else wrong with me like a brain tumor because I had so many symptoms which were really frightening. But I've accepted now that it is anxiety, this took several trips to the doctors and various tests until I was absolutely convinced. I too hate being left on my own, well i don't think hate is the word I'm terrified. It all started because I was poorly with a virus that made me dizzy, my parents went out to the shops and i had a panic attack, because i was scared i might faint. Now i am scared that I'm going to have one again. I know it's stupid and irrational but i just don't know how to get over it.

28-03-09, 09:51
Hi Lostdaydreaming, :hugs:

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :)

28-03-09, 18:44
Hi Mandy,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will be able to relate how you are feeling and will give their support.

Take care,


28-03-09, 21:31
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx


02-04-09, 04:08
thank you all so much! this site has been very helpful.

its so nice to know other ppl have been though these. i have had them so long i get down on my self for not dealing with them better, and the fact they still upset me so bad. i feel like i should know they are only a panic attack by now and i shouldnt let them happen. but reading other posts. i am learning to not let them take over as bad, by reading why i feel dizzy,or sureal i can tell myself this is why i feel like this and im not running back and forth from my bed to the bathroom crying begging for someone to take me to the er cause im going insane.

02-04-09, 07:46
Hi there, i can completely understand where you're coming from.
I'm sure you'll find some good advice here :)
