View Full Version : Heart again!

27-03-09, 18:16
I haven't posted for a while as I have been feeling largely ok.

However, for the last week or so, I have been feeling completely drained of energy. I have a busy life and 3 kids to run round after and I rarely give myself time to relax. I'm also not that good at getting an early night and am frequently disturbed during the night by one or more of the children!! My husband was ill a few weeks ago and was very tired too so I am sure it is the same thing but something happened today that made me panic!!

I went swimming to try and energise myself and pushed myself too far. I swam 60 lengths and then felt really dizzy, sick and had a really racing heart. I got out and got changed but I was still feeling wierd when I got home. My back aches now too and my chest feels tight. I feel like I keep sighing and gasping and taking really deep breaths which I haven't done for ages. The worst thing is the palpitations and the fact that I keep checking my pulse all the time. I can feel myself slipping backwards into anxiety again and I don't seem able to stop it.

Maybe there really is something wrong with my heart this time :weep:

House fan
27-03-09, 19:15
Hi Jo

There is nothing wrong with your heart! Anyone who swims 60 lengths while out of condition will feel dizzy, sick and have a racing heart. This is a completely normal response by your body, letting you know that it's not used to this level of exercise.

These sensations have obviously frightened you, and this in turn has caused increased tension in your body, leading to the release of adrenaline which is causing the tight chest and backache. It may well be that your muscles are sore after so much exercise too, but the constant tension is the main factor.

The sighing and gasping are tell tale signs here also. It's a classic case of anxiety and nothing more. There is absolutely nothing organically wrong with your body. Recognize these symptoms for what they are, tension and a touch of anxiety. You have been in this situation before, these feelings are not important, don't let them fool you again babe.
