View Full Version : Head shock - strange sensation in head.

27-03-09, 19:22

I was just wondering if anyone else experienced this and if so... if they know what causes it.

When I get it, it feels so strange - can't really describe. Like a flutter in the front of my head. If I didn't know any better I would swear my brain was flipping over or something! The strange thing is I only ever get them when ill or under the weather. I'm not feeling too well at the moment and have been having them for the last day and a half.

Would love some info. or advice on these as I keep on freaking myself out!!


27-03-09, 22:38
There was a similar thread on here the other day where someone described a strange sensation in their head. It could literally be anything, but whatever it is, it is almost certainly nothing to worry about. Maybe a migraine, a temporary and harmless change in blood pressure, a symptom of anxiety or stress, something like that. The main thing is it only happens when you are feeling rough which suggests it's just "one of those things".

If it scares you then see your doctor for peace of mind, but don't panic, if it's something serious then I shall eat my socks :D

30-03-09, 19:20
I get it and it really frightened me at first but then I read on here somewhere that it is stress related as there are a lot of nerves ending in your head. Hope this reasurres you.


30-03-09, 21:53
Hi there, I have been suffering with wierd sensations in my head for the last 4 weeks now. At first it was similar to how you say, then I got really freaked out and panicked and now its a little worse and makes me feel dizzy. My doc insists its anxiety, I had mri scan done which was nomal. Does yours make you feel dizzy?

31-03-09, 13:23
No, not dizzy at all. It's just ths strange feeling that starts in my head and sometimes shoots into my arms and legs. It's weird because it only lasts like a second and I only get it when I'm ill. :S It does make me feel a little off balance though, like if it happens when I'm walking I feel like I might fall over!!


Ange B
31-03-09, 13:42
Hi All, I am new here although have suffered with anxiety and panic attacks for about 6 years. I take 10 mg of escitalopram and have dizziness all the time. I feel it in the left side of my head and constantly feel like I am going to fall over or collapse or something. It is worse in the evenings. I have had an MRI scan and that was fine so I guess it must be the old anxiety demon, but why won't it go away!!!!!! Does anyone else have this??????

29-05-09, 17:04
Lisa B,

I'm sure your well aware of the chemical composition of our bodies. We are really a pool of complex substances.

I wouldn't worry about the head problems at this stage as its true they could be anything but with yours and (everyone here's) history i would point the finger at stress.

Strange things happen when your stressed in the brain, the chemical reactions that normally take place can be either delayed or changed. The best representation of this change would be alcohol. Im sure your aware of that one. Your head has millions of nerve endings and small tissues that can be affected by the slightest thing.

If your seriously worried i would consider your GP as im certain they will put your mind at rest (pardon the pun).

As a sufferer of panic and anxiety we notice things far quicker than most other people because we "Tune into" every movement or flicker of our bodies. The problem with this is that we are really complex machines and its almost impossible to know exactly what is going on. But rest assured, your body has been working for this long so its a safe bet to say it does what it says on the tin...

Think about the problem like this. If it feels uncomfortable then write it down on some paper and see if there is any similar events when you feel stressed. If this is the case then you can put it down to your anxiety and know you can move on. The vicious circle of worry doesn't really help the situation and you cant really control your sub conscious mind.

well... not yet anyway :)

Try not to worry about it and when it happens please write down what's on your mind or anything that is stressing you out.

29-05-09, 18:01
I want to thank you for this post, I think you explained it well, and it helped me. I have been feeling tingling in my head, and sometimes I feel numb on one side of my face, always the same side. I think you nailed it though, when you said tha t we tend "tune into" evry movement and feel things sooner or even more often then others. My mom used to say this to me long ago but to hear it again by someone else helps validate it. I have been keeping a log of everything, how my stomach feels, allergies, food, my skin(I think I have rosecaa but I wonder if its really a food allergy, will be seeing a dermatologist in a few weeks) just to try to figure out if I have been feeling crappy from what I eat, or outdoor allergies but I don't record my anxiety levels.. I think it will help me to see if the head thing is stress.... although I really think food is causing a lot of my problems, I defiinetely see some differences when I elimate certain foods.

29-05-09, 19:26
im happy if it helped :)

17-08-12, 00:52
Hi everybody! Thanks for the help you all gave me with your notes.
I have been feeling my head strange and I feel chock in it and the most of the times I feel dizzy after that. My doc said that I dont need to worry about it because I am stressed out and if I calm down it will disappear.
Thanks a lot

17-08-12, 01:10
Okay, the phenomenon you are experiencing is actually a sensory disturbance of the oculo-vestibular complex and although it can occur in isolation as a symptom of anxiety or clinical depression, it is most often encountered by patients who either have taken, or are presently taking, anxiolytic or SSRI prescriptions.

It's important to realize the effects that these drugs can impart on the central nervous system that are not always desirable, some of which can continue to demonstrate influence many months after ceasing use. In this particular instance, the pathway within the oculo-vestibular network, which provides constant feedback to the brain regarding one's position in the space around them and is responsible for keeping us oriented to changes in the horizontal and vertical planes, has been slowed down because of the effects of the drug or late effects after cessation.

This slowing of nerve impulse becomes detectable in the manner of what patients describe as electric shocks, jolts, flipping of the brain, winking out and other characterizations which are actually all the same phenomenon. In other words and under normal circumstances, the impulses provided within the network are lightening fast and operate in such a highly efficient manner that you can't detect the instantaneous and constant corrections being made by this network to keep you stable in a changing environment, ie uphill, downhill etc. The delay is physically felt by the patient when the system is under the influence of some factor, whether by clinical mood disorder or medications being used to treat those disorders. The latter is by far the most common encounter. Patients can actually elicit the sensations in some instances by pausing and keeping the eyes very still and fixed for about 30 seconds, subsequently gazing quickly either to the extreme left or right and holding the gaze. Because ocular movement is directly associated with the oculo-vestibular complex, most patients with a slowed response will encounter the pulsing effect so common in such instances.

You're going to be just fine and the sensations are not a sign of disease, nor harmful in any manner. Once your body is free from the existing influence, matters will return to patterns more recognized by you as normal.

Best regards,

Rutheford Rane, MD (ret.)

17-08-12, 14:20
I get strange head sensations constantly that can last for months n i get dizy spells n feeling off balancr it also makes me feel like im loosing my mind :-(

18-08-12, 01:17
Hello everyone ive been getting this just recently. I get it in spells througout the day, its like a rush that starts in my brain then quickly travels. Its an horrible feeling sometimes i feel sickly and unbalanced when walking. Im want to go to the g.p about it but within the past few months ive been going alot, ill be going to there christmas doo next lol. I suffer alot from health anxiety but im trying my hardest to not panic about every little twinge, but its hard.

22-08-12, 17:24
I know EXACTLY what you mean. Took me days to find anything out about it. The best description I could find was when you take something static-y out of the tumble drier and you unfold it........?? Anyway, apparently caused by SSRI's and are more commonly known as brain shocks. There are articles out there about it - how Dr's are only now becoming aware of them after prescribing so many SSRIs. Some people get it when taking them, others when withdrawing. I had them all the time - on and off the medication. I've been off medication two years now and get them only rarely. It takes time and patience for them to go away. Chin up and happy thoughts <3