View Full Version : Seriously, can anyone please reassure me

27-03-09, 22:03
I made my doctor give me some routine blood tests at the start of last month because I have suffered from HA all my life. One of the tests was a full blood count. They all came back normal. Please, please, please can someone tell me (because i've asked before and no one responded) if I had a compromised immune system or some underlying deadly disease or something like that, would it have shown up as some of my cells being abnormal? Please help. I can't go on worrying like this. I analyise every lump, bump, blemish, etc. I am beside myself. My family are sick of me and I have no one to turn to. It would really help if someone could let me know whether a normal FBC means I don't have anything to worry about. I try to reason with myself but I am just scared the doctors have missed something. Please help :weep:

27-03-09, 22:07
Yes it would so STOP worrying and wasting your life with worry

Calm down and relax and enjoy life please!

28-03-09, 02:57
yes, CBC would show if there was something wrong...that is the point of CBC and why Dr.s use it as a starting point for testing. Relax.