View Full Version : Hi to everyone! Help please!

28-03-09, 01:57
Hi to everyone!
I've just joined the site after finding it on google. The information on its seems really good, and the bit on health anxiety made me realise i need to relax :D .
So i've just turn 21 and i'm a psychology student at university. I've had problems with panic attacks and anxiety for at least 6 years, but recently its been a lot worse, probably because of the stress of trying to finish my degree. I've been felling ill on and off for about 5 months with things like tiredness and palpatations. I've seen lots of different doctors (not by my choice) all had a different theory and had loads of blood tests for anemia, hyperthyroidism and glandula fever that have all come back fine. I'm scared of all things medical though so the whole process has made me more stressed. Last time i went to the doctors and was told the lastest blood test was fine and that it was anxiety, i probably should have been happy that there wasnt anything medically wrong with me but i also wasnt because i really didnt realise my anxiety was that bad. She also mentioned that my blood platlet count was high which made me panic later when i realised that could be associated with cancer! which i know isnt likely but i'm still worried. Also i've got glands in my neck which have been swollen for about 1 1/2 months, which i forgot to mention to the doctor at the time and is also making me worry. I dont want to keep wasting the doctors time but i dont know what to do now. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

28-03-09, 02:15
Hi there hun I've been to the docs loads to tell I excepted it was anxiety.
Don't let it beat you down cause it will.
I got swollen glands to for couple of months now so not to worry.

You'll be fine hon keep working hard on your degree but you'll get there.

Take care hun, your in the right place

28-03-09, 04:19
Thankyou Nicola :) . I've been reading other posts as well and sounds like the swollen glands thing is really common, will have to try and ignore it. I'm definitley trying to work hard on my degree but anxiety stuff just makes it so much harder. Anyway, I hope you coping ok as well?

28-03-09, 10:28
Hi Squindered, :hugs:

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Good luck with your degree. :yesyes:

Best wishes :flowers:

28-03-09, 13:40
Hi there and :welcome: to the site, lots of good advice and support here, the chatroom is also very good, take care xx

28-03-09, 18:38
Hi Squindered,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will be able to relate how you are feeling and will give their support.

Take care,


28-03-09, 21:34
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx


29-03-09, 14:34
Thanks for the welcome everyone :)

29-03-09, 14:39
Hi there..another wee welcome for you petal. I found this place ironically googling too lol.For once I'm happy I googled cos I found this wonderful place where people actually understand :)

I'm crazy but I'm a good listener if you want to vent love.

Take care,Amy xxx

30-03-09, 01:52
Thankyou Wee-Mee :) . Your right this site is really good.