View Full Version : Have anyone actually had what worried them??

28-03-09, 12:54
You know the situation:
You feel a pain in your stomach, it must be some sort of cancer
Your heart beats feels funny. You are gone die from a heart attack
Feeling unwell; it has got to be HIV

And so on and on and on....

My main worry is cancer. Everytime I get some sort of symptom I haven`t had before it has got to be some sort of cancer...
I been afraid of testicular cancer, bowel cancer, pancreatic cancer, breast cancer (!), lymphoma, brain cancer, lung cancer, leukemia etc. etc. Now my biggest worry is mouth cancer and pancreatic cancer (due to some upper stomach pain). Never mind that I`m currently taking a medication which has stomach pain as a side effect. It has got to be cancer and not only that; it also has to be the worst one I can imagine: pancreatic cancer.
Besides I`ve been feeling fatigued this winter. Then it has to be cancer,right... :)

I`ve been reading a lot about your worries here and then it suddenly struck me: Has anyone here EVER had the disease they dreaded??

I know my track record; I`ve been a 100% wrong so far and hopefully I am just as wrong now.. But I still can`t quite believe it..
Why do we act and think this way??

28-03-09, 13:01
I know how you feel..... sigh...... I am just the same. So far I have not had any of the things I worry about, but I figure if I worry for long enough, one of them will come true........ a sad way to spend a life though, huh?

28-03-09, 13:13
Yes, but only one of many problems ive worried about! I thought there was something wrong with my heart and there was.

But may i add i dont get ectopics, chest pains, dizzieness/feeling feint and i rarely get palpitations. Basically i just thought my heartbeat sounded a bit odd, turns out it was a murmur...echo showed a hole (ASD) in it that i knew nothing about and ive had all my life, only a small one luckily!:)

28-03-09, 13:14
Yes, it is...
What`s worse is that if something in life is going really good I get even more afraid because then something bad (Cancer) is bound to happen... It is such a hopeless way to think and live...

28-03-09, 17:02
not so far.....altho i am actually convinced my current worry is going to be the real thing :( you re right tho its a awful way to think and live really :(

28-03-09, 17:39
ive never had anyhthing either but i am too convinced that my current worry is going to be the one...

I am seeing a psychiatrist on Thursday because I feel I am doing this all the time and going around in circles...

28-03-09, 22:55
I understand the worrying if all is well that something very nasty is around the corner - I feel as if I daren't not worry about a symptom as that will be the symptom that I should have worried about and because I didn't it will be too late:weep: as you say what a way to live your life

29-03-09, 00:30
Ive been worrying day in and day out for the past twenty years or so that im going to die from a heart attack.
I can have a good day where i tell myself that im fine and its just the anxiety making me think that way but then ill get a twinge in my chest or tingling in my fingers then thats it-all rational thought goes out the window!!I wish i could stop myself but like countrygirl im too scared not to worry in case its the one time i should have worried. :weep:

29-03-09, 00:32
I used to be such a terrible hypochondriac as a child but here I am, still in relatively perfect health...

I stress out about all sorts of things as an adult, particularly health wise, and every time I go to get myself checked out I am given the all clear.

When you put it like that it does seem daft how people worry :)

29-03-09, 02:36
I live my life, day in and day out worried that this new symptom will be the one that is the "real thing"
I'm even terrified of going on vacation and having fun because I'm scared that after having a good week, something really bad will happen... I'm going crazy

29-03-09, 04:08
If i had actually had any of the dozens of things i used to think i had i wouldnt be here now !!Having a multitude of symptoms should help you really.Because its next to impossible to have all the illnesses you think you have.Thats the thought process that led to me getting over HA.I cant see why it cant work for everyone.

29-03-09, 11:26
i have never had anything that i worry about but like most people i think life feels good something bad will happen now then i start to panic again.

29-03-09, 11:57
Yes - it's so strange isn't it, that we seem unable to let ourselves think everything is great, because something dreadful might be lurking within. I'm just the same: I feel happy, then I have a major crash because 'I might have cancer'. Why can't we just enjoy ourselves???

08-04-09, 15:22
I was just thinking the same thing as this original post. I worry myself sick and then I convice myself it is the worst possible thing. There must be someway to change.

08-04-09, 15:37
My fear is anything cancer related, ive not been diagnosed with anything like that yet after having all the numerous symptoms, but i just have thoughts like how long can my luck keep lasting for. Maybe one of these times it will be what i dread x