View Full Version : Worried about possible sinusitis

28-03-09, 15:33
About 5 weeks ago I had a awful cold that resulted in being completely bunged up for 10 days with disgusting daren't blow your nose in public awful coloured gunk out of both sides of my nose. flourescent green and orange!
During this time I had sharp pains in my upper gums whenever I bend my head over but otherwise no facial pain. One day I blew my nose and one side was just cream in colour but other side was dark brown. It was the world record nose blow and obviously cleared out my sinuses:D Straight away the pain on bending head in my gums went away and no more nasty stuff from nose. My husband had same thing after me and he said it took weeks to go away completely

All was well until about 2 weeks ago when a small patch of my upper gum near the middle started to hurt all the time like it was burning and very tender - nothing on gum perfectly normal - I also keep getting a sensation of intense pressure at the side of my nose above the gum. first thing n the morning I am bunged up on that side but it clears within 10 mins and what comes down nose is nice and completely clear coloured and nose then is clear all day just this constant soreness of gum and feeling of pressure.

I saw my GP last week for something else and mentioned this to her and she said it could be sinus related but as I have no nasty stuff coming out wait and see. I also have a problem with my neck that can cause facial pain.

Some days my gum hardly hurts but then other days its awful.

I did silly thing and googled and found out that in very rare cases you can get nasty infection of bones or even brain from sinusitis:scared15:

Of course I am now worrying that I have bacterial infection marching up to my brain.

28-03-09, 15:39
Clicked submit before I wanted to!
So now I have frightened myself with googling the rare complications I am wanting to rush back to my Dr - on one had to get antibiotics in case but on other not wanting antibiotics in case I don't need them:shrug:

What do you all think i should do?? Go back on Monday and risk the exasperated look from Dr for going back again so soon and maybe getting unecessary antibiotics or worry like mad and wait

28-03-09, 18:03
Dear Countrygirl,
I am sorry to hear that you are feeling unwell and totally sympathise. I wrote a post on here yeaterday about my sinus problems, hoping that I could get some reassurance.
I too have been googling and have scared myself into a rare old panic. I too have read an article about this condition affecting your bones. Why do we do it to ourselves?
I have had a sinus problem following the flu over Christmas and was given a course of antibiotics. I have been having minor nosebleeds on and off for a few weeks that seem to originate towards the back of my nose which in turn trickle down the back of my throat and cause me to have pink phlegm. The blood occasionally comes down my nose onto the tissue. This has totally freaked me out as I am beginning to think all sorts. I wonder if you have had this happen? The doctor told me that my lungs were clear.
Today I have had pain at the side of my left nostril, extending up my gums into my eye area. It is a dull ache that throbs and it is really annoying me. It is almost the same sensation as if you had been clenching your jaw too tightly. I have been back to the Doctors a couple of weeks ago and he said that I did not need any more antibiotics and that it would run its course!
I hope you feel better soon
Kindest regards Nikki. :-) x

28-03-09, 18:17
Thanks nikki so nice of you to reply and makes me feel a whole lot better to know I am not alone is frightening myself silly. Like you I of course ignored the words very rare in the complication bit and just latched onto the what ifs.

when I had the original bad cold that produced the digusting coloured gunk I also had bleeding from the side worst affected and that did stop about a week after the nasty stuff stopped but its this side that is now painful.

I was just about to go to Dr for antibiotics when it all cleared up so never went. has your Dr given you a nasal spray like beconase to help reduce the inflamation??