View Full Version : Newish -need advice please.

28-03-09, 15:56
Hi guys,

Been on Citalopram 20mg for just under five weeks after the fisrt one week and a bit which i must say were at times unbarable i reviseted my GP to mention my concerns, in turn he prescribed Propranolol Hydrochioride 80mg (beta blockers) which he told me to take in the morning and the citalopram in the night before bed.

After about three weeks i started to get back to my old self, as i felt great i went out and had a few beers, to many to be honest then after a few days i went back to feeling as if iv gone right back to the start.

so yesterday i went back to GP, this time my family doctor and he was appauled to find that the second doctor had give me 80mg beta blockers plus advised me to take my Citalopram at night and that i had drunk on the meds.

So i have now been advised to take my Citalopram in the morning along with my new beta blockers (propranolol 40mg).

just seems at the mo im going two steps forward and and ten back really havent felt myself since i had a drink.

Im just hoping that theres some of you guys out there that have had the same possible reactions and some better advice than iv been given up to now??

Any advice welcome.

28-03-09, 16:48
hey swat77,in danger of sounding predictable and obvious,propanalol is a very good and powerful drug as for citalopram i cannot comment, cos i have never been on them,but i am sure you are aware of the fact of having a drink is permitted, but to carry on drinking while on drugs will just intensify any symptoms and problems you may have and in some circumstances can also prove to be fatal,i dont mean to try and frighten you but that is a fact,that is probably why you have felt bad since you had the drink,you should never mix drink and drugs,anyway i dont want to sound like a mother telling off a naughty child lol,you take care of yourself.x

28-03-09, 18:34
Hi Swat,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will be able to relate how you are feeling and will give their support. I've never been on either drug but I'm sure you will get advice on other who have.

Take care,


28-03-09, 21:38
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx


29-03-09, 13:52
Hi there and :welcome: to the site, lots of good advice and support here, the chatroom is also very good , take care xx

29-03-09, 14:16
alcohol is a depressant and will bring you down with or without drugs but never mix them because it will make you suffer and is not really worth it in the long run I bet you wish you hadn't now. I usually say if you get a different doctor you get a different opinion try and suss out which doctor you feel you can trust that may help I hope you feel better soon

29-03-09, 15:53
I have been on citalopram and I found it just didn't help me at all.

I fetl quite bad on it actually, but drinking while on it,even not on anything,is a sure way to feel worse physically aswell as mentally.

But anyhoots love,welcome to NMP and if you want supposrt and chatting and understanding(and everything else inbetween) then you're in the right spot
